Tuesday 24 October 2017

Ufg Forex

Acerca de UFG

Somos la empresa líder de E-Learning Forex Training para principiantes e intermediarios en el mundo, con más de 15 años de experiencia en comercio y formación!

Hemos desarrollado un curso innovador de Forex y metales diseñados para ofrecerle la ventaja en el mercado de puntos y ayudarle en su camino hacia la rentabilidad.

Nuestro curso de buque insignia le da un estado de la experiencia de usuario completa de arte para aprender a cómo el comercio ...

Atrás han quedado los días del enfoque de un día o de dos disparos a aprender los mercados al contado!

Después de 3 años de desarrollo, UFG ahora está orgulloso de lanzar Forex E-learn Pro; Uno de un sistema de tipo construido por los comerciantes para los comerciantes.

Dirección física

Universidad de la divisa y del oro (Pty) Ltd Unidad 9, parque de la oficina de la puerta de Rivonia Rivonia Blvd Rivonia

Direccion postal

Universidad de la divisa y del oro (Pty) Ltd Unidad 9, parque de la oficina de la puerta de Rivonia Rivonia Blvd Rivonia

UFG Curso Profesional de E-Learning

La Universidad de Forex (UFG), es reconocida internacionalmente como un proveedor que ofrece uno de los mejores cursos de E-learning de intercambio de divisas en el mundo.

A través de la colaboración de muchos comerciantes exitosos y profesionales con décadas de experiencia, así como los principales diseñadores de video y audio, el curso de UFG tomó más de 4 años para construir y desarrollar.

Su propósito principal es tomar a cualquier individuo ambicioso de una etapa del principiante, y moldearlos en un comerciante bien informado, rentable dentro de unos pocos meses.

El resultado final es que ayudamos a las personas a ganar de forma realista y generar ingresos adicionales de ingresos, mientras que todavía pueden centrarse en su negocio principal.

Además de esto, hay múltiples beneficios de adquirir conocimientos en divisas. Se ha observado que en el entorno de comercio de vida silvestre, hay muchas adquisiciones, operaciones y ofertas que requieren transacciones de divisas, y el Forex E-learn Pro curso está perfectamente posicionado para dar a cualquier miembro activo de este entorno una ventaja en el tiempo y el trato Cuando se trata de transacciones internacionales.

El curso en sí consta de más de 60 horas de video de alta calidad, con cada video incluyendo lecciones prácticas revolucionarias para asegurar que la información es absorbida correctamente.

Para obtener una mejor indicación del contenido, no dude en ver estos videos de introducción:

UFG se enorgullece de estar asociada con WildSA y, por lo tanto, ofrece un precio de lanzamiento excelente y limitado del producto. Si usted está interesado en adquirir el curso de UFG, o establecer más información complete el formulario de SOLICITUD DE CONTACTO y con mucho gusto hablaremos de la oferta y le ayudaremos en su compra.


COMPRADORES. Es realmente FÁCIL - reclamar cupones absolutamente GRATIS & amp; ¡AHORRA miles de Rands en DESCUENTOS!

La oferta puede diferir de la imagen.

Inicie sesión para calificar la tienda

R 2 000 fuera del precio regular de R 4 950

Ofrecido por: University of Forex & Gold (Ufg)

Dirección: Planta Baja, Edificio 3, Albury Park, Dunkeld West, Sandton

Disponible en: Todas las provincias

Popularidad: 335 veces & amp; Reclamado 2 veces

Cupones disponibles: 498

Válido hasta: 2015-05-31

Descripción: Conviértete en un operador profesional de FOREX invirtiendo en nuestro curso de clase mundial Forex-E-Learn Pro. El curso incluye más de 2000 minutos de vídeos de producción de alta definición de alta calidad, formación técnica, prácticas interactivas, etc. Hemos desarrollado un Curso de Forex y Metales Spot innovador diseñado para darle la ventaja en el comercio de puntos y para ayudarle en su camino. A ser rentable! Información de contacto: www. ufgscholar. com o support@ufgscholar. com o 082 498 0098

Términos y Condiciones

Válido de lunes a viernes

Busters no se hace responsable de la validez o reembolso de este cupón. Limite un cupón por persona, por promoción. Las ofertas no se pueden combinar. Válido antes de la fecha de caducidad en los lugares especificados en el cupón.


Fuego Unido. UFG) nombra Director General de Tecnología

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa. 07 de diciembre de 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - United Fire Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: UFCS) (la "Compañía" o "UFG") anunció el nombramiento de

Como director de tecnología, a partir del 23 de noviembre de 2015. Frese lleva más de 17 años de experiencia a la UFG, incluyendo el liderazgo operacional y la implementación de nuevas tecnologías en la industria de servicios financieros.

Frese fue recientemente director de tecnología de Transamerica Corporation. Ubicado en Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Durante su tiempo en Transamerica Corporation. Se especializó en la gestión del desarrollo de aplicaciones, la implementación de agentes de cambio, y la entrega de capacidades de TI para apoyar los objetivos de la empresa.

Frese es un graduado de la Universidad Estatal de Iowa. Y tiene una licenciatura en artes en psicología. Además, la Corporación de Ciencias de la Computación lo honró como Ganador del Premio a la Innovación en Vida y Anualidad 2011 en Global Sourcing.

"Brian aporta capacidades de liderazgo para alinear nuestras operaciones de TI con el crecimiento continuo de nuestra compañía", declaró

Vicepresidente ejecutivo y director de operaciones. "Nos complace darle la bienvenida como parte de nuestro equipo directivo."

Acerca de United Fire Group, Inc. (UFG).

Fundada en 1946 como United Fire & amp; Compañía de Accidentes. United Fire Group, Inc. (UFG), a través de sus subsidiarias de compañías de seguros, se dedica al negocio de la escritura de seguros de propiedad y accidentes y seguros de vida, así como la venta de anualidades. UFG tiene licencia en 45 estados, más el Distrito de Columbia. Y está representado por 1.200 agencias independientes. El grupo UFG está clasificado como & ldquo; A & rdquo; (Excelente) por A. M. Mejor Empresa. Una subsidiaria, United Life Insurance Company. Está licenciada en 37 estados, y está representada por aproximadamente 1.200 agencias de vida independientes. Ambas entidades tienen su sede en Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Las acciones de UFCS cotizan en el mercado bursátil mundial NASDAQ (NASDAQ: UFCS). Para obtener más información sobre UFG, visite www. ufgins. com.

Fuente: United Fire Group, Inc.

2015 GlobeNewswire, Inc. fuente Notas de Prensa

Purple Turf Inc. tiene como objetivo ayudar a la exposición a las pequeñas empresas (PYME) en la industria minorista, financiera, de telecomunicaciones y automotriz luchando con el marketing de contenido, proporcionando una plataforma en línea que será de vídeo e imagen centrada para ayudar a minimizar los costos de marketing y publicidad y Resultados efectivos.

Purple Turf se compromete a ofrecer una plataforma que producirá resultados efectivos y valiosos, ya que el mercado de videos digitales continúa en un fuerte crecimiento, con un mayor optimismo que cualquier otro tipo de video o TV, ya que las empresas buscarán invertir más en marketing de contenido cambiando dinero Lejos de la radiodifusión en la TV para financiar más marketing de contenido, Purple Turf gustaría desempeñar un papel importante y ser el cambiador de juego, ofreciendo una imagen y video centrado plataforma que ofrece precios competitivos.

Nuestra visión en Purple Turf es crear una sociedad de empresarios con una plataforma que puedan utilizar para conocer e interactuar con clientes nuevos y existentes. Esto también significa sin embargo que la competencia para obtener presencia en línea es ahora feroz, ya que más empresas están gastando más Dinero en línea para la publicidad de lo que nunca antes, pero con esta plataforma que apuntan a minimizar el costo de marketing, mientras que la entrega de resultados eficaces.

* Marketing de contenido, que creará y distribuirá contenido valioso, relevante y consistente para atraer y retener a un público claramente definido.

* Noticias semanales: Qué compañías harán y se someterán a la plataforma que puede aumentar la visibilidad del video para aparecer en la mayoría de las páginas.

* Revisión de productos y servicios: Será la funcionalidad que las empresas pueden optar por obtener su producto revisado y publicado para que los clientes potenciales puedan ver y ayudar a otros a tomar una decisión selectiva.

* Visibilidad: Será una característica estándar sin embargo las empresas también pueden optar por obtener sus productos más visibles y en alta rotación para los clientes potenciales para ver su última oferta.

* Espacio del anuncio: Las compañías podrán fijar el espacio del anuncio para el Web site y un marketing amistoso móvil.

* Público objetivo: las empresas pueden comprar orientados lleva a su oferta para obtener altas posibilidades de conversión.

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.

Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).

Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.

Aplicaciones informáticas en el contexto de la especulación financiera

La predicción de varios indicadores de mercado es un tema importante en las finanzas. Esto se puede lograr a través de modelos informáticos y aplicaciones relacionadas para financiar, y en particular a través de redes neuronales artificiales (RNAs) que se han utilizado en la predicción del mercado de valores y los tipos de cambio durante la última década. Se ha investigado la predicción de valores financieros (como el índice de acciones / divisas, así como la dirección diaria del cambio en el índice) con redes neuronales y, en algunas aplicaciones, resultó que las redes neuronales artificiales tienen grandes ventajas y algunas limitaciones Para aprender los patrones de datos y predecir los valores futuros del fenómeno financiero bajo análisis. En este artículo analizamos el mercado financiero particular llamado FOREX y la forma en que las RNA pueden hacer predicciones asequibles sobre la evolución de los tipos de cambio entre monedas.

Si tiene problemas al descargar un archivo, compruebe si tiene la aplicación adecuada para verla primero. En caso de problemas adicionales, lea la página de ayuda de IDEAS. Tenga en cuenta que estos archivos no están en el sitio IDEAS. Por favor sea paciente ya que los archivos pueden ser grandes.

Papel suministrado por Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Matematiche y Statistiche, Universita di Foggia en su serie Quaderni DSEMS con número 02-2012.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

** El verde destaca el ETF de mayor rendimiento en% de cambio en los últimos 100 días.

Descripción de la Compañía (como archivado en la SEC)

MUFG es una sociedad de cartera bancaria constituida como sociedad anónima (kabushiki kaisha) en virtud de la Ley de Sociedades de Japón. Somos la sociedad de cartera para el Banco de Tokio-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. o BTMU, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust y Corporación Bancaria, o MUTB, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Holdings Co. Ltd. o MUSHD, Mitsubishi UFJ o Morgan Stanley Securities Co. Ltd. MUMSS, Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS Co. Ltd. y otras empresas que participan en una amplia gama de negocios financieros. El 2 de abril de 2001, el Banco de Tokio-Mitsubishi, Ltd. Mitsubishi Trust y Banking Corporation, o Mitsubishi Trust Bank, y Nippon Trust y Banking Co. Ltd. establecieron Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc. o MTFG, para ser una explotación Empresa de las tres entidades. Antes de eso, cada uno de los bancos había sido una empresa que cotizaba en bolsa. Más.

grado de riesgo

¿Dónde encaja MTU en el gráfico de riesgo?

Noticias en tiempo real después de las horas previas al mercado

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En el negocio global de custodia y administración de fondos, utilizamos nuestra red de subsidiarias en el extranjero para proporcionar una gama completa de servicios de valor agregado, incluyendo préstamos de valores y servicios de divisas extranjeras.

En el negocio de gestión de activos, nos esforzamos por invertir de manera estable los valiosos activos de clientes confiados, incluyendo las pensiones corporativas, las pensiones públicas, los fondos públicos y los fondos excedentes de las instituciones financieras y las empresas.

Ofrecemos servicios de bienes raíces para clientes corporativos e inversionistas incluyendo corretaje, tasación de bienes raíces, servicios de fideicomiso y custodia de bienes raíces, administración de propiedades y acuerdos de titulización de bienes raíces y administración de activos inmobiliarios.

Realizamos tareas complejas de administración de stocks en nombre de compañías emisoras. Estas tareas incluyen administración de acciones en el extranjero y emisión de JDR (Japan Depositary Receipt).

Datos de cotización y datos resumidos de United Fire Group, Inc.

Descripción de la Compañía (como archivado en la SEC)

United Fire Group, Inc. ( "UFG", "United Fire", el "Registrante", la "Compañía", "nosotros", "nosotros" o "nuestro") y sus subsidiarias y afiliadas consolidadas se dedican al negocio De la escritura de propiedad y seguro de accidentes y seguros de vida y la venta de anualidades a través de una red de agencias independientes. Nuestras subsidiarias de compañías de seguros están actualmente licenciadas como aseguradoras de bienes y accidentes en 46 estados, además del Distrito de Columbia y como aseguradora de vida en 37 estados. United Fire & Casualty Company fue incorporada en Iowa en enero de 1946. Nuestra oficina ejecutiva principal está ubicada en 118 Second Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401; Teléfono: 319-399-5700. United Fire Group, Inc. posee el 100 por ciento de una filial, United Fire & Casualty Company. Más.

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potapov aleksey

Proyectos del Grupo Cbonds:

Cbonds. Congress. Com - Cbonds Congress, conferencias financieras internacionales en Rusia, la CEI y Europa (en ruso e inglés)

Loans. Cbonds, una importante fuente de información sobre préstamos sindicados en Rusia y la región de la CEI (en ruso e inglés)

Review. Cbonds. Info - Cbonds Review, una revista mensual analítica que cubre los mercados macroeconómicos y los mercados de renta fija en Rusia y la CEI (en ruso)

MM. Cbonds. Info - Mercado de dinero de Cbonds, información comprensiva sobre el mercado de dinero ruso (en ruso)

Investfunds. Ru - Un portal único en el mercado de valores y otros instrumentos para los inversores privados rusos (en ruso)

Investfunds. Kz - Un proyecto que cubre el mercado de valores, la inversión y las noticias del mercado en Kazajstán (en ruso)

Investfunds. Ua - Un proyecto dedicado al mercado de valores de Ucrania, la inversión, noticias del mercado (en ruso)

PRE Q VECA. ru - OPI, capital privado y capital de riesgo (en ruso)


zongguo chen

Precio: 20.00 USD. Crecimiento: 4 020,94%

HOLA. Soy un comerciante con experiencia. Traté de no un sistema de comercio, y encontró - un buen patrón y la rentabilidad. Rendimiento esperado de 5 a 100% por mes, dependiendo de la situación en el mercado de divisas. También de forma confidencial Licitación - escribir en un personal. Teniendo en cuenta el análisis técnico y el comercio de la "fundación", y utilizar lo mejor de Bill Williams 'propio refinamiento y desarrollo. Alas corredor borra las estadísticas periódicamente y eliminar mi historial de transacciones pasado (motivado por.

Precio: 20,00 USD. Crecimiento: 232,27%


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Голубцова Анна

Proyectos del Grupo Cbonds:

Cbonds. Congress. Com - Cbonds Congress, conferencias financieras internacionales en Rusia, la CEI y Europa (en ruso e inglés)

Loans. Cbonds, una importante fuente de información sobre préstamos sindicados en Rusia y la región de la CEI (en ruso e inglés)

Review. Cbonds. Info - Cbonds Review, una revista mensual analítica que cubre los mercados macroeconómicos y los mercados de renta fija en Rusia y la CEI (en ruso)

MM. Cbonds. Info - Mercado de dinero de Cbonds, información comprensiva sobre el mercado de dinero ruso (en ruso)

Investfunds. Ru - Un portal único en el mercado de valores y otros instrumentos para los inversores privados rusos (en ruso)

Investfunds. Kz - Un proyecto que cubre el mercado de valores, la inversión y las noticias del mercado en Kazajstán (en ruso)

Investfunds. Ua - Un proyecto dedicado al mercado de valores de Ucrania, la inversión, noticias del mercado (en ruso)

PRE Q VECA. ru - OPI, capital privado y capital de riesgo (en ruso)


Potapov Aleksey

Proyectos del Grupo Cbonds:

Loans. Cbonds, una importante fuente de información sobre préstamos sindicados en Rusia y la región de la CEI (en ruso e inglés)

Review. Cbonds. Info - Cbonds Review, una revista mensual analítica que cubre los mercados macroeconómicos y los mercados de renta fija en Rusia y la CEI (en ruso)

Cbonds-Contact. Ru - Cbonds-Contact, una red social de negocios para profesionales del mercado financiero de la CEI

Investfunds. Ru - Un portal único en el mercado de valores y otros instrumentos para los inversores privados rusos (en ruso)

PRE Q VECA. ru - OPI, capital privado y capital de riesgo (en ruso)

Cbonds. Congress. Com - Cbonds Congress, conferencias financieras internacionales en Rusia, la CEI y Europa (en ruso e inglés)

Mergers. ru - M & A en Rusia


Charles & quot; Charlie & quot; Ryan

Historia de Carreras

Presidente / Fundador Ufg Asset Management, 10/2008-PRESENT

Cofundador United Financial Group, 1994-PRESENT

Socio General Almaz Capital Rusia Fondo I LP, PRESENT

Fondo General de Subfondos Ufg, PRESENT

Asesor Senior Deutsche Bank AG, PRESENT

Socio General Almaz Capital Partners, PRESENT

Consultor Deutsche Bank, 2008-2010

Presidente / CEO / Fundador UFG Asset Management, 1994-2008

CEO / Jefe País Ofcr: Rusia Deutsche Bank, 2005-9 / 2008

Banco Europeo Asociado, 1991-1994

Fundador Ufg Asset Management, 1996-DESCONOCIDO

Analista Financiero CS First Boston, 1989-UNKNOWN

Socio de Ventaja Almaz Capital Partners, ANTIGUO

Asociado / Principal Banco Banco Europeo de Reconstrucción & amp; Desarrollo, ANTIGUO

Información corporativa

Línea de tiempo de Whois de forex-trading. net

Www. forex-trading. net por primera vez tomada el 3/7/2004. El último cambio de dominio es 4/17/2015. También la fecha de vencimiento es 3/7/2016. Si no la renovación el 03/07/2016 alguien puede tomarlo.

La empresa registradora es "GODADDY. COM, LLC" y el servidor Whois es "whois. godaddy. com." Servidores de nombres "ns1.frontlineinternet. com, ns2.frontlineinternet. com

Información de la empresa de forex-trading. net

Empresa. Juraj Havrila

Dirección de la empresa. Zakarpatska 11 Michalovce, Eslovaquia 07101 REPÚBLICA ESLOVACA

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Mitsubishi UFJ Custodia Global S. A

Mitsubishi UFJ Global Custody (MUGC) fue constituida en 1974 como una filial propiedad del 99,99% del Banco de Tokio Ltd. en el momento. Desde entonces, MUGC ha establecido una fuerte reputación principalmente en el ámbito de los servicios de custodia global.

En abril de 2007, la estructura de propiedad de MUGC fue cambiada. La compañía fue recapitalizada conjuntamente por MUTB (67%), The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ (30%) y The Master Trust Bank de Japón, Ltd. (3%) a través de la inversión de MUTB. El propósito de esta recapitalización fue reforzar los servicios de custodia global.

Luxemburgo, donde se encuentra MUGC, alberga el segundo mayor fondo de inversión del mundo.

Luxemburgo defiende los servicios financieros como su principal industria. Por lo tanto, ha puesto en marcha un sistema legal y una infraestructura bien desarrollados para el sector de los servicios financieros.

Además, MUGC ha talentoso japonés y profesionales locales con experiencia de clase mundial que están listos para ayudar a los clientes.

Consulte los detalles en nuestro sitio web.


Con el fin de satisfacer las demandas de su clientela sofisticada y adaptarse a un entorno en constante cambio, MUGC ha ampliado continuamente su red de corresponsales locales (aproximadamente 90 países), ha mejorado sus sistemas y ha retenido y motivado a sus profesionales altamente capacitados y experimentados.

Servicios de custodia

Liquidación y custodia de valores

Recaudación de Dividendos e Ingresos

Proceso Acciones corporativas


Servicios Fiduciarios y Fiduciarios en el Extranjero

Administración de fondos de inversión

Administración fiduciaria y fiduciaria

Otros servicios

Préstamos de valores

Negociación de divisas

GlobeView SM

MUGC ha unido sus fuerzas con Brown Brothers Harriman and Company para presentar GlobeViewSM, una infraestructura de sistema web de productos de vanguardia. GlobeViewSM permite a los clientes confirmar sus activos como saldos de valores y saldos en efectivo en tiempo real las 24 horas del día.

Si tiene un ID GlobeView SM, ingrese aquí:

Si no tiene un ID GlobeViewSM o necesita más información, póngase en contacto con Mitsubishi UFJ Global Custody.


Mitsubishi UFJ Global Custody S. A.

Para Inglés y Japonés

SSGC enfrenta pérdidas de UFG de 35 a 40% por año

KARACHI. Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC, por sus siglas en inglés) enfrenta pérdidas de 35 a 40 por ciento anuales de gas no contabilizado, lo que implica sabotaje de gasoductos, robo y otros problemas de gestión.

En un comunicado el jueves, el Director Gerente del SSGC, Zuhair Siddiqui, este es el mayor desafío enfrentado por SSGC, así como SNGPL, que estaba afectando la eficiencia de estos servicios de gas.

SSGC MD dijo que no era justo culpar a las compañías de gas por no limitar las pérdidas incurridas como resultado de UFG ya que hay severas cuestiones de orden público y el mandato del Gobierno está comprometido. A este respecto, se refirió al caso de Balochistán, que consume sólo el nueve por ciento del suministro total de gas por los SSGC y es aún responsable del tres por ciento del total de la compañía en un 12 por ciento de la UFG.

Hay varios conceptos erróneos asociados con la Sui Southern Gas Company. Es el gobierno quien fija el costo al que compramos gas de las Compañías de E & amp; P y es la Autoridad Reguladora de Petróleo y Gas la que decide a la tasa de venta del gas a los clientes, dijo SSGC MD.

Nos enfrentamos a dos grandes problemas de escasez de gas y pérdidas de gas. La escasez se debe a los campos de gas de agotamiento como la demanda de gas sigue aumentando. El componente de gas no contabilizado (UFG) es del 35 al 40 por ciento. Recientemente hemos encontrado hasta seis conexiones de gas ilegales que suministran gas a varias áreas residenciales a las que todavía no hemos dado conexiones, reveló.

El MD, sin embargo, dijo que debido a los esfuerzos incansables de la Compañía, la UFG había bajado en un dos por ciento este año. Dijo que la reducción en las pérdidas de la UFG fue a pesar de que seis millones de pies cúbicos de gas fueron robados en Karachi anualmente sólo y, en algunas zonas, las ciudades enteras se les proporcionó gas robado.

El MD expresó su preocupación por la ocurrencia de robo de gas en Baluchistán ya que la situación amenazaba las operaciones allí. Dijo que SSGC estaba realizando incursiones contra las mafias theaf con la ayuda de la FIA, pero los equipos de asalto también estaban siendo atacados en algunas áreas.

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United Fire Group, Inc. declara un Dividendo en Efectivo Trimestral de Acciones Comunes de $ 0.22 por Acción

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, 20 de noviembre de 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) & # 8212; Hoy, el Consejo de Administración de United Fire Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: UFCS) declaró un dividendo en efectivo trimestral de acciones comunes de $ 0.22 por acción. Este dividendo será pagadero el 15 de diciembre de 2015, para los accionistas registrados al 1 de diciembre de 2015. United Fire Group, Inc. ha pagado sistemáticamente un dividendo trimestral en efectivo desde 1968.

Acerca de United Fire Group, Inc .:

United Fire Group, Inc. es la organización matriz de United Fire & amp; Compañía de accidentes. United Fire & amp; Casualty Company a través de sus subsidiarias de compañías de seguros, se dedica al negocio de la escritura de bienes y seguros de vida y seguros de vida, así como la venta de anualidades.

A través de nuestras subsidiarias, tenemos licencia como aseguradora de bienes y accidentes en 45 estados, más el Distrito de Columbia, y estamos representados por aproximadamente 1.200 agencias de seguros independientes. El grupo agrupado de United Fire está clasificado como & # 8222; A & # 8221; (Excelente) por A. M. Mejor Empresa.

Nuestra subsidiaria, United Life Insurance Company, tiene licencia en 37 estados, representados por aproximadamente 1.200 agencias de seguros de vida independientes y clasificadas como A - & # 8221; (Excelente) por A. M. Mejor Empresa.

Para obtener más información sobre United Fire Group, Inc. visite www. unitedfiregroup. com.

Dawn Noticias

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - El gobierno planea permitir que las compañías de gas recuperen mayores cantidades de los consumidores a causa del gas perdido debido a robo y filtraciones, de acuerdo con fuentes.

Un funcionario gubernamental dijo que el ministro de Petróleo, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, presidiría próximamente una reunión de altos funcionarios de la Autoridad Reguladora de Petróleo y Gas (Ogra) y las compañías de gas para finalizar recomendaciones para aumentar el límite de gas no contabilizado (UFG) Mayores ingresos para la Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd (SSGCL) y Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd (SNGPL).

Esto es visto por muchos como el reconocimiento por parte del gobierno y el regulador de la incapacidad de las empresas de servicios públicos para controlar las pérdidas de gas y legitimar un cambio en los estándares de desempeño. Tal cambio en los estándares cuando fue hecho por el ex presidente de Ogra Tauqir Sadiq lo aterrizó en problemas legales.

Esto es por primera vez que el regulador mismo ha buscado la intervención del gobierno para fijar puntos de referencia, una responsabilidad que Ogra ha estado ejerciendo desde su creación a finales de los años noventa. Más importante aún, un funcionario del gobierno que aboga por el caso en nombre de las compañías de gas ahora ha pedido al gobierno tomar una decisión política.

Hace aproximadamente un mes, Ogra pidió al gobierno que emitiera directrices de política relativas a los ladrones y los ladrones y el gas perdido en áreas afectadas negativamente por problemas de orden público.

El miembro de Ogra, Amir Naseem, quien trabajaba para el SNGPL hasta hace unos meses, ha escrito una carta al secretario del Ministerio de Petróleo y Recursos Naturales para emitir directrices de política sobre UFG. Dijo que factores como la desviación de gas de los consumidores a granel a los clientes minoristas debido a la reducción de la carga, la expansión masiva de las conexiones domésticas, la escasez de gas y la política de gestión de la carga del gobierno habían servido para aumentar las pérdidas de gas de las empresas.

Dijo que los consumidores a granel eran menos propensos a las fugas y debido a su alto volumen podría ser mejor monitoreado por las compañías de gas, pero los consumidores minoristas a quienes el gas había sido desviado en el pasado reciente eran más propensos a las fugas y el robo. "Este cambio de los consumidores a granel a los minoristas no está en su control (de gas) y principalmente gobernado por las políticas del gobierno", dijo.

Un funcionario dijo que Ogra había instado al gobierno a aumentar el índice de referencia de la UFG en alrededor del 3 por ciento, además de una asignación de alrededor del 1,5 por ciento debido al gas perdido en las áreas afectadas por la ley y el orden.

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Mar 17, 2014 08:07 am

¿Qué es esta tontería? ¿Por qué debería el ciudadano común soportar la carga de la incompetencia de SNGPL, SSGC y OGRA? Si la gente en el timón de asuntos en estas empresas y el Ministerio de Petróleo & amp; Los recursos naturales son incapaces de reducir el robo masivo de gas natural, deben renunciar. Estoy seguro de que un montón de gente capaz y competente estaría dispuesto y capaz de traer las pérdidas UFG de los niveles actuales. Además, a diferencia del robo de electricidad, el robo de gas de las tuberías principales sólo puede hacerse en connivencia con las autoridades pertinentes. Las compañías de gas de Pakistán necesitan primero poner sus propias casas en orden antes de tratar y pasar las pérdidas incurridas en su infraestructura al consumidor medio. En ninguna parte del mundo es UFG tan alto, es otra pluma en la tapa del actual gobierno digno de ser mencionado en el Libro Guinness de los récords mundiales.

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RBI listo para tallar préstamos de divisas de la unidad polaca para empujar a través de la venta

Por bne IntelliNews 1 de febrero de 2016

Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) está lista para sacar la cartera de préstamos de divisas de su unidad polaca con el fin de descargar el negocio, dijo un miembro de la junta en la matriz austríaca en comentarios publicados el 1 de febrero.

Raiffeisen Polbank ha estado en el bloque durante más de un año. El intento de vender la unidad polaca es parte del esfuerzo de reestructuración de RBI que también implica la descarga de operaciones en Eslovenia, la República Checa y Eslovaquia, así como reducir los préstamos en Rusia, Ucrania y Hungría.

GE Capital también ha estado tratando de vender su unidad polaca BPH. Sin embargo, la incertidumbre sobre el sector bancario polaco en relación con las hipotecas en francos suizos ha hecho imposible que los potenciales vendedores y compradores se pongan de acuerdo sobre las valoraciones.

Un poco más de un año después de que el valor del franco suizo creciera, un plan para obligar a los bancos a ofrecer a más de 500.000 prestatarios de CHF la oportunidad de convertir sus préstamos a tasas favorables se dio a conocer el mes pasado. Sin embargo, el proyecto de ley ofrece pocos detalles por el momento, lo que mantiene la incertidumbre mientras tanto.

Además del plan de conversión, Polonia introdujo un impuesto bancario el 1 de febrero. Los movimientos del nuevo gobierno se consideran un riesgo para la estabilidad del sector bancario, según algunas demandas. Rating agencies. the National Bank of Poland and the European Central Bank have warned the government of the potential effects of the measures on the economy.

Both RBI and GE Capital are, however, keen to push onwards to dispose of the Polish businesses. The Austrian bank was hopeful in October that the election of Law & Justice (PiS) - no matter its evident antagonistic attitude towards the banks - would offer enough clarity to allow it to push the sale forwards, months after postponing the effort. While GE speculated long ago it could take on the risk on the forex loans in order to seal a deal, RBI has held back from volunteering to take the whack until now.

"It will likely be necessary to carve out the CHF [loan] portfolio with a volume of some €3bn, as it could have a negative impact on the valuation," RBI board member Peter Lennkh told Austrian newspaper Wirtschaftsbaltt .

The Polish unit should be sold by end of 2016 or early 2017 at the latest, RBIвЂ˜s CEO Karl Sevelda suggested in October. Afterwards, 15-25% of Polbank is supposed to be floated on the Warsaw Stock Exchange - a commitment taken on by RBI when it bought the unit in 2012.

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Business news from Eastern Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East and Africa

Pakistan’s forex reserves stand at US$8.3bn; include more updates – Shajar Research

Pakistan’s forex reserves stand at US$8.3bn; include more updates – Shajar Research

It has been reported that the Advisor to the PM on National Security and Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz will be leaving for Washington in the last week of January for a high-level strategic dialogue. The delegation is likely to include senior cabinet members and top army officials. (ET)

The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) is scheduled to release its first Monetary Policy Statement of 2014 today for the period of next two month. We believe the inflationary trend and its future expectation based on PkR-USD parity will form the basic premise of this MPS, while due consideration would be given to the government effort on the fiscal front and growth prospect. Given below expected inflation readings of Dec’13 (CPI at 9.18% YoY) and relatively stable PkR-US$, the central bank may opt to maintain the DR at 10%. The major swing factor would be their assessment of foreign flows that will subsequently impact PkR-USD parity going forward. (Shajar Research)

As per the latest release by the SBP, Pakistan’s forex reserves stood at US$8.3bn for the week ended Jan 10’14, up US$247mn from US$8.05 reported in the previous week. The reserves held by the central bank rose by US$222mn WoW to US$3.467bn versus US$3.245bn a week earlier. The increase is partially attributed to the US$58mn received from multilateral and bilateral sources. Reserves held by commercial banks rose by US$45mn to US$4.85bn up from US$4.80bn. (BR)

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has decided to extend the concessionary period of 10 years by the number of days for which SNGPL could not supply gas to Engro Fertilizer (EFERT). However, we still await clarity whether the concessionary price is granted on supply from Mari network. In case the concessionary gas is applicable on Mari supply it would has an annualized earnings impact of PkR3.5/share on the company’s earnings. Besides, ECC has also approved a PkR741/bag subsidy on imported urea to sell it to farmers at locally manufactured price of PkR1786/bag. (BR)

The formal trading of EFERT stock will commence from today.

According to a notice issued to the KSE, the SBP has given NOC to MCB for setting up a wholly owned Islamic Banking Subsidiary. Once the license is issued, the existing 27 Islamic Banking Branches of MCB will be merged into the new entity.

NEPRA increased power tariffs of Distribution Companies (excluding PESCO and KESC) by PkR1.01/unit for Dec’13 under a monthly fuel adjustment mechanism. (BR)

Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) conducted a hearing on the petition filed by Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) seeking increase in gas tariff by PkR96.80/mmbtu in each category of consumers from Jan’14 to enable it to cover the revenue shortfall of PkR53bn which the SNGPL had to face during the year 2013-14. The SNGPL also requested Ogra to conduct an independent consultative study for the fixation of realistic Unaccounted-for-Gas (UfG) benchmark which was set at 4.5%.(BR)

by Ayaz Ahmed on November 14, 2014

Share for your friends' benefit! By: Syed Faizan Ahmed Shajar Capital Pakistan (Private) Limited The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) is all set to announce the Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for the next two months on Nov 15’14. On inflation barometer, a rate cut is justified keeping in view the latest inflation index (CPI) numbers and […]

by Ayaz Ahmed on November 10, 2014

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President, Managing Partner

Ilya Sherbovich has been President of UCP since September 2007. Under his leadership UCP has realized multiple successful investments projects and established itself as one of the most reputable private investment companies in Russia. Prior to joining UCP, from 1995 Ilya was one of the largest shareholders and the President of United Financial Group (UFG), a leading Russian investment bank which was acquired by Deutsche Bank in 2006. From 1994 to 1995 Ilya served on the Capital Markets Surveillance Unit of the Russian Federal Commission on Capital Markets. He began his career in 1992 with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) office in Moscow. During his career Ilya served on the boards of directors of several major Russian companies including Sberbank, Transneft, Rosneft, FSK (Federal Grid Company), Fashion Continent and Uralmash Drilling Equipment. Ilya Sherbovich holds a degree in Economics and Business Management from the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.

Victoria Lazareva is a Managing Director of UCP with responsibility for private equity investment operations. Victoria has successfully overseen the creation and management of UCP’s private equity investment portfolio. Prior to joining UCP Victoria was a Managing Director of Deutsche Bank and United Financial Group (UFG) responsible for Russian Retail, Consumer Goods, Healthcare and Real Estate sectors. From 1997 to 2003 Victoria worked in Deutsche Bank`s Corporate Finance Group in London. She started her career as an Associate with Cambridge Partners L. L.C in New York. Victoria served on the boards of directors of several successful Russian companies including Fashion Continent (a Russian clothing retail chain), Seventh Continent (a Russian food retail chain) and Monocrystal (a leading Russian high-tech company). Victoria holds an Executive MBA from Stanford University and a degree in Chemistry from the Popov Chemical Institute in St Petersburg.

Alexander Shmelev is one of the founding Partners of UCP responsible for managing UCP’s liquid securities business. Prior to joining UCP, Alexander had been managing the international and domestic equity sales and trading operations at United Financial Group (UFG) since 1994. Alexander is one of the most experienced investment management professionals on the Russian capital markets. Alexander holds a degree in Economics from the Finance Academy of the Russian government.

Yuri Kachuro is a Partner of UCP and advisor to the investment committee. During 2010-2015 Yury was responsible for transaction support for domestic and cross-border M&A deals, managing some key UCP investments and relationships and overseeing the UCP legal team. Yuri was previously a Partner at the Moscow office of Clifford Chance focusing on M&A, IPOs and private equity transactions. Yuri began his career in 1995 as an Analyst with Fidelity Investments in New York and subsequently practiced law with law firms of Sullivan & Cromwell in New York and Freshfields in Moscow. Yuri holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Pace University in New York and a Juris Doctor degree from the Fordham University School of Law in New York, both with distinctions.

Alexei Knyazhev is a Partner of UCP focusing on UCP’s key transactions and investments, risk management issues and overseeing UCP legal and structured investments teams. Alexei was previously a Partner at the Moscow office of Dentons (before 2013 – Salans) focusing on M&A and private equity transactions in various sectors. Alexei started his career at Salans in 1995 and during 20 years of legal practice has accumulated extensive experience advising on investment transactions in Russia and abroad. Alexei graduated from law faculty of MGIMO in 1997.

Mikhail Trofimov is a Partner of UCP with responsibility for managing some of the group’s key investments and overseeing a team of investment analysts. Prior to joining UCP Mikhail served as a Managing Director of both Deutsche Bank and UFG where he completed a number of successful transactions across a wide range of industries. He began his career in 1997 as a Senior Consultant in Corporate Financial Advisory at PwC. Mikhail holds an MBA from Creighton University, USA.

Alexander Mishuris is responsible for the financial, treasury and operational functions of UCP Group companies. Prior to joining UCP, Alexander worked at the investment banking team of United Financial Group (UFG) and Deutsche UFG. Alexander Mishuris graduated from the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.

United Capital Partners Advisory Paveletskaya Plaza, 2 Paveletskaya Square, bld 2. Moscow 115054, Russia Phone: +7 (495) 643-11-00, Fax: +7 (495) 643-13-00 info@ucpfund. com

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Dawn News

ISLAMABAD: The government is expected to decide on Monday to pass on to consumers the impact of natural gas lost due to theft, leakage, non-recovery of bills, and launching of village gas projects on political considerations.

A meeting, to be presided over by Minister for Petroleum and Natural Resources Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and attended by all members of the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority and some officials of the gas companies, has been convened to take up the issue as a one-point agenda.

Although Ogra is legally empowered to take such decisions — a right it has been exercising since its inception in 2002 — it has now asked the government to issue policy guidelines to bail out gas companies or get ready to provide huge subsidies to keep them afloat.

At the heart of the problem is a decision on consumer-end gas pricing for four years — starting in 2010-11. The fiscal impact in 2012-13 alone was estimated at Rs35 billion.

The government is in a fix because if it passes on the cost burden to consumers it will lose the moral ground to continue a campaign against electricity and gas theft.

In case of the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd alone, the impact of gas theft was estimated at 4.46 per cent of the total 10.3pc system losses in 2011-12. Leakage was estimated at 4.1pc that year. Similar is the case for other fiscal years and the Sui Southern Gas Company Ltd.

In view of investigations by the National Accountability Bureau on the directives of the Supreme Court, Ogra has asked the government to take a decision on non-consumers (gas pilferers), gas lost due to the law and order situation, minimum billing to all consumers to cater to minor leakages and change in bulk-retail ratio of consumers due to expansion in gas network on political considerations.

An official said that after the appointment of a former SNGPL official as an Ogra member, the regulator was now inclined to increase the limit of unaccounted for gas (UFG) to ensure higher revenues to the two gas utilities — the SSGCL and SNGPL.

Quoting the shift in gas supply from bulk consumers to retail customers due to load curtailment, massive expansion of domestic connections over the period, shortage of gas supply and load management policy of the government, Ogra said all these factors had a direct impact on the increase in gas losses of the companies.

Ogra said bulk consumers were less prone to leakages and because of their high volume could be better monitored by the gas companies, but retail consumers where gas had been diverted in the recent past were more prone to leakages and theft and cause an increase in UFG. “This shift from bulk to retail consumes is not in their (gas companies) control and mainly governed by policies of the government,” Ogra said.

This meant Ogra was convinced of arguments advanced by the gas companies. If so, the authority should take a decision on its own, instead of using petroleum ministry’s shoulders to bypass court orders that held that a maximum of 4.5-5pc losses be passed on to consumers which should be sufficient to take care of genuine inability to control theft, leakage and losses, etc.

Based on original benchmarks, gas losses on an average are in excess of 10pc in the gas system, but changes in definition of various heads could be used to reduce it significantly. In the transmission system, 1pc of gas lost works out to about Rs5bn.

Ogra has now told the petroleum ministry that UFG benchmarks were introduced in 2003-04 by Ogra in consultation with gas companies and hence the bulk-retail ratio should be taken for the same year to calculate projected UFG because this ratio had drastically changed since then because of government policies.

In his letter, the Ogra’s member has indirectly advised the government to allow higher UFG allowance to gas companies for the previous fiscal year subject to adjustment on the basis of a future study by a consultant.

An official said Ogra had encouraged the government to increase the UFG benchmark by around 3pc besides another allowance of about 1.5pc on account of non-consumers and law and order-affected areas. The total allowance would, therefore, work out to 4.5pc which translated into about Rs25bn per annum.

Published in Dawn, May 19th, 2014

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SNGPL, SSGCL on verge of bankruptcy, say MDs

UFG losses have become unbearable; circular debt payment issues also discussed. STOCK IMAGE

Pakistan’s two gas utility companies are nearing bankruptcy as their annual losses due to unaccounted for gas (UFG) have gone over Rs53 billion, according to their managing directors, but they have been allowed to pass on roughly Rs18 billion to the consumers, while the rest are deducted from their profits.

The managing directors of Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) and Sui Southern Gas Company Limited (SSGC) revealed the utilities’ fast deteriorating financial conditions during a meeting of the Public Accounts Committee held on Tuesday.

The PAC also took an update from Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) Rana Assad Amin regarding the status of the audit report of Rs480 billion circular debt payments. It also showed concerns over the government’s move to charge sales tax on petroleum products by including other taxes in prices aimed at maximising revenues. The government calculates 47.5% GST on high speed diesel by including petroleum levy, which PAC Chairman Khursheed Shah said was unprecedented in the world.

The financial affairs of SSGC seem to be alarming than the SNGPL’s. As against the permissible limit of 4.5% UFG losses, the company’s losses were 15%, revealed SSGC MD Khalid Rehman. He said 1% losses were equivalent to Rs2 billion, bringing total losses to Rs30 billion. The 15% UFG losses are highest ever reported by any company.

Rehman admitted that two-thirds of the total UFG losses were due to theft while the remaining was because of obsolete gas pipelines. He said in Balochistan UFG losses were 51%.

“4.5% UFG losses target is unachievable,” said Rehman while requesting Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) to relax the ceiling – a demand that was opposed by PAC members. “Relaxing the UFG ceiling would mean sanctioning the theft, which the OGRA cannot do”, said Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) Arif Alvi.

SNGPL Managing Director Uzma Adil said her company’s UFG losses were 11.5% that amounts to roughly Rs23 billion. She said that roughly 45% of the total losses were on account of theft.

Determination of UFG losses has become a political and judicial issue after the National Accountability Bureau filed a reference against the PPP ministers who manipulated the determination by getting the losses fixed at 7% in 2010-11 against the permissible limit of 5% of that time.

The PAC members, belonging to PPP, favoured a realistic UFG ceiling.

Ogra Chairman Saeed Ahmad informed the PAC that a benchmark study to determine a realistic UFG ceiling was under way and will be completed in next four months. He said until NAB announces the outcome of UFG case, the new benchmark cannot be fixed.

Due to dispute over the UFG, both gas companies have not finalised their financial audit reports of last two fiscal years, violating the requirements of Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.

The issue of Rs480 billion circular debt payments in June 2013 came back to haunt the ruling party after media reports that the office of Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) was trying to push the report under the carpet.

Allegations of dropping the audit charges were levelled by former AGP Akhtar Buland Rana, who claimed that he was ousted after he ordered audit of Rs480 billion payments.

The incumbent AGP, Rana Assad Amin, came hard on his predecessor and rejected the allegations. “The former AGP was removed by the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) after 20 charges of misconduct and irregularities were established against him,” said Amin.

“The statement of former AGP is breach of privilege of the PAC, the Parliament and SJC and these institutions should take notice of it,” said a visibly perturbed Rana Assad Amin.

In the October 7 meeting of Departmental Accounts Committee (DAC), only two audit objections involving Rs11 million have been recommended to drop, said the AGP. The AGP said the audit report of Rs480 billion circular debt payments was in process of finalisation and his department requires two more weeks to complete the work.

Amin said it was a rubbish allegation that his department has settled all the audit objections and no one should expect that he would compromise only because he has served in the Ministry of Finance.

Amin said that the delay was on part of the Ministry of Water and Power that has sought another meeting of DAC to show more record related to the payments. Amin also maintained that while serving in the Ministry of Finance he was not involved in making these payments as they were cleared by Secretary Finance Dr Waqar Masood.

Published in The Express Tribune, November 4 th. 2015.

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Yes he is very incompetent. He is brother in law of former State Bank Governor Ms Shamshad Akther . That’s how he became MD PPL as well as that of SSGC. Its an open secret now !

Once he told me in his office while being MD PPL that he lacks the ability and confidence to establish PR with his colleagues and staff members. Recomendar

Charlie Ryan seals his reputation as Russia's most successful banker

Posted on November 23, 2011

By Andrei Skvarsky.

UFG founder Charlie Ryan has sealed his reputation as the most successful foreign banker in Russia ever by clinching a deal which nets him a fourth payout from Deutsche Bank. The American banker, who oversaw Deutsche Bank’s Russian operation from 2005 to 2010, is selling Deutsche the remaining 60% stake in UFG’s Capital Management unit that the German lender does not own.

A Harvard graduate, Ryan first came to Russia in the early 1990s as a banker for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) when he landed in St Petersburg to help advise the local authorities on how best to privatise local municipal assets. One of his key initial contacts in the mayor’s office was one V. V. Putin, who was deputy mayor at the time to Anatoly Sobchak.

Spotting a gap in the market, Ryan and a partner Boris Fedorov decided to strike out by setting one of the country’s first ever investment banks.

“Charlie has had the intelligence to understand the Russian political and economic context before positioning, and to pick his partners well,” commented Eric Kraus, an independent fund manager in Moscow.

“He is totally without arrogance or strong ideological biases – he does not lecture the Russians on what they should be when they grow up, and as a result, he has been well received by the domestic investment community.”

Fedorov, Russia’s first modern finance minister under Boris Yeltsin, brought political clout and connections in the Kremlin while Ryan brought a hard-nosed ability to close a deal and rare understanding among foreign financiers on how to do `biznes’ in Russia.

“His recently completed deal with Deutsche is the culmination of a long, and highly successful, build-up of UFG, without the extreme volatility and boom-bust cycle which has characterised other institutions working in this market,” added Eric Kraus.

UFG/Deutsche Bank has been a constant force in Russia over the past two decades when many domestic rivals have gone to the wall and even more foreign peers have come and gone.

In 2004 Ryan sold 40% of the investment bank UFG for $70m to Deutsche Bank. Deutsche bought the remaining 60% from the US banker and his colleagues in 2006 for the mouth-watering sum of $600m in 2006. The two-step deal gave Deutsche the platform it coveted and within a year it established an unassailable lead in domestic equity and debt capital market league tables.

Ryan stayed on board as country chief of Deutsche Bank in Moscow as the German lender tried to handle the delicate succession issue. Key bankers defected to foreign and domestic rivals as lock-ins expired.

In 2008 Ryan took the helm at UFG Asset Management, a separate entity, and the same year he and Fedorov raised about $65m by selling a 40% stake in the company to Deutsche. Fedorov’s untimely passing in late 2009 forced Ryan to stay on at the helm of UFG at a time when he was shifting his family and his focus homeward to Philadelphia.

Deutsche had a buyout option which was exercised this month to buy the remainder of the fund manager. UFG confirmed to EmergingMarkets. me that Ryan and Florian Fenner, who are the company’s managing partners, and the Fedorov family “hold significant stakes” in the firm, but declined to disclose how much they made from the deal.

“We confirm that other businesses of UFG Asset Management, namely UFG AM Family of Funds (five hedge funds and several international managed accounts), UFG Private Equity Funds and UFG Real Estate Funds, are not affected by the deal and will remain independent and in control of UFG Asset Management shareholders,” the Moscow-based UFG spokeswoman said.

Minus Deutsche UFG Capital Management, UFG Asset Management has about $1.25bn in assets.

UFG Wealth Management, which is operating as a stand-alone business, is also unaffected by the transaction with Deutsche Bank and will remain independent, the Moscow-based UFG spokeswoman said.

So Ryan, who has tempted the German bank with four nibbles of the UFG cherry, may yet tempt them with his remaining wares in wealth management, private equity and offshore funds.

That midas touch gleamed brightly when he decided to help fund creation of Yandex, a Russian search engine. Investors would have made a scandalous return if they banked a profit following its $1.3bn Nasdaq debut in May this year. The stock soared 55% in the first day of trading although it is not known when, or if, Ryan and the other angel investors sold out.

Ryan has parlayed that interest in tech into setting up Almaz Capital Partners, which invests in Russian technology and innovation.

Meanwhile over at Deutsche Bank, the German investment bank has fallen on hard times since Ryan wound down his involvement. VTB Capital plundered over 100 staff in three years, and insiders said the move was engineered by Yuri Soloviev after he was overlooked as Ryan’s replacement.

But Ryan’s legacy, as he is wont to remind people, is a diaspora of talented bankers who have gone on from Deutsche Bank and UFG to help build and sustain Russia’s capital markets.

Butorina Ksenia

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Profitable trading system and consistent, many of them think very hard to set. Actually you do not have to construct a system as complicated and as difficult trading with it, because the majority of traders who end up in trading losses not due to their poor trading system, but due to the emotions and attitudes are not disciplined by the rules that have been determined. In the trading business, if emotions become controllers, you will surely fail. So you also need a strong mindset trading system with a trading plan that is too strong.

If summarized, below the trading system is the main reason that caused the failure of trading:

One place the capital (not in accordance with the product) Lack of discipline and no trading plan No market study Conduct analysis / interpretation inappropriate Chasing the market (entry criterion was not met despite the position.) Not willing to accept losses (position held without using a stop loss)

For the trading system without emotion, there are four very easy tips that will distinguish between winners and losers;

1. Develop Trading Plan

Having a plan and followed the trading system so you know when to take a position and when not to take it. This trading system is often overlooked when it is in the condition of the profit.

In a trading system, you must take a position sesusai your trading plan and not according keaadan now. You will not know that the trading system will run better or worse if the strategy does not run consistently and the reason trading system continues to be changed. Often the trader does not follow the plan when it was trading system suffered a loss, but when these are critical times and most decisive for the development of the ability of the trading system forward.

2. Trading System: Simple and Flexible

Successful traders are traders who already accept that there is no trading system that will work well for ever. Although highly successful trader who believe in the trading system of technical indicators, but they also realize that there are many other factors that affect performance.

Because of this they are always open mind and look for new ideas, learn from experience and will do trial and error for when the trading system is evaluated (at a certain period), they can fix the system or changing the methodology in accordance with market objec risk to reward is attractive. To be a successful trader, you must understand how the trading system reacts when the markets change and this will always happen.

3. Focus to be consistent

Traders who have managed more interested than the consistent attitude which directly or quick profit. If you are just lucky in one transaction and get profit from it, you still do not have a strategy / trading system is good and you may not be able to obtain a consistent profit for a long time.

The successful trader will always take action. Their trading activity will not be affected by fear. For example, they will not hold the position of the harm (which does not comply with trading plans), hoping that the position will turn into a profitable position. They also will not rush to panic in taking action that is not according to plan trading system.

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Hedge Funds Awards 2012

Best Distressed Securities FOHF SC Turnaround Fund (Swiss Capital Group)

Best Diversified FoHF NEF Energy Diversified Fund (NEF Asset Management)

Best Emerging Markets FoHF Hermes BPK Greater China Fund (Hermes BPK Partners)

Best Event Driven FoHF Key Recovery Fund (Key Asset Management)

Best Fixed Income FoHF Opus Fixed Income Fund (Schroders NewFinance Capital)

Best Global Macro FoHF GHF Sicav Global Macro Fund Class A (Thalìa)

Best Long/Short Equity FoHF Circle E Fund (BrunnerInvest)

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Best UCITS-Compliant FoHF Dynamic Alternative Strategies (Goldman Sachs)

Best Institutional Fund Provider Aberdeen Asset Management

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Best Managed Futures CTA FoHF Genesis Multi-Manager Futures Fund (Genesis RAM) | Watch the award presentation

Best Distressed Securities FOHF Fundamental Credit Recovery Fund (Fundamental Capital Management LLP)

Best Diversified FoHF Titan Masters International Fund (Titan Advisors)

Best Event Driven FoHF KDC Event (Kellner Capital)

Most Innovative FoHF Axonic Credit Opportunities Fund (Axonic Capital)

Best Institutional Fund Provider PAAMCO

Best Managed Platform Provider Sciens Fund of Funds Management Holdings

Best Diversified FoHF Crown Asia Pacific Balanced Segregated Portfolio (LGT Capital Partners)

Best Institutional Fund Provider Unigestion Asia

Best Private Client Fund Provider Value Partners Group

Best Diversified FoHF New Zealand Assets Management Global Fund

Best Distressed Securities FOHF Reichmuth Matterhorn 24 (Reichmuth & Co)

Best Diversified FoHF Allblue Fund (BlueCrest Capital Management)

Best Fixed Income FoHF Signet Global Fixed Income Fund (Signet Management)

Best Arbitrage Fund CIAM Merger Arbitrage Fund (CIAM)

Best Credit Fund Chenavari

Best Distressed Securities Fund Cheyne Real Estate Debt Fund (Cheyne Capital Management)

Best Diversified Fund Branta Solutions Fund (Roodhals Capital)

Best Emerging Markets Fund UFG Debt Fund (UFG Asset Management)

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Best Market Neutral Fund Eco Absolute Return SEK (DNB Asset Management)

Best Relative Value Fund Cassiopeia Fund (Dominice & Co Asset Management)

Best UCITS-Compliant Product Nomura Macro Commodity Strategy (Nomura Alternative Investment Management)

Best Distressed Securities Fund Hildene Opportunities Fund (Hildene Capital)

Best Diversified Fund Millennium USA (Millennium Management)

Best Fixed Income Fund SPM Structured Servicing Holding (Structured Portfolio Management)

Best Global Macro Fund Ping Exceptional Value Fund

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Best Relative Value Fund Phalanx Japan Australia Multi-Strategy Fund (Phalanx Capital)

Best Emerging Markets Fund Perfin Long Short (Perfin Investimentos)

Best Event Driven Fund Copernico Latin America Strategic Fund (Copernico Partners)

Best Global Macro Fund Sparta Administradora de Recursos

Best Long/Short Equity Fund Brazilian Equities (Pollux Capital)

Best Managed Futures CTA Fund Quantum Leap (Quantam Leap Capital Management)

Best Relative Value Fund Perfin Long Only (Perfin Investimentos)

Best Diversified Fund Mercatto Diferencial Fund (Mercatto Investimentos)

Best Arbitrage Fund SFP Value Realisation Fund (Symphony Financial Partners)

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Best Emerging Markets Fund Komodo Fund (HB Capital Partners)

Best Event Driven Fund Pengana Asia Special Events Fund

Best Fixed Income Fund Oracle Investment Fund

Best Global Macro Fund Ortus Fund (Ortus Capital)

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Best Managed Futures CTA Fund Monsoon Asia-Pacific Systematic Programme (Monsoon Capital)

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Best Arbitrage Fund III Offshore Advisors

Ruble Surges as Forex Reserves Rise Record $1.5Bln

The Central Bank was back in the foreign exchange market Thursday to hold back the ruble's rally at 31.38 against the dollar as swelling reserves exposed the local currency's underlying strength.

The bank's gold and foreign currency reserves soared by $1.5 billion to $54.6 billion in the week to March 7, prompting authorities to stop buying extra dollars for three consecutive sessions.

The Central Bank's absence has sent the ruble to eight-month highs against the dollar, raising concerns among local producers that a ruble upsurge would hurt their competitiveness.

The currency gained 5.89 kopeks in official early trade to a weighted average for settlement today of 31.3818 to the dollar from 31.4407 on Wednesday when it rose 6.69 kopeks.

The fast appreciation of the ruble forced the Central Bank to return to the market on Thursday. According to dealers' estimates, the bank could have already bought at least $200 million to brake the rise of the ruble at 31.38.

Some traders said the Central Bank's latest intervention could have resulted from the dollar's recent rebound against the euro.

"The market is squeezed by a huge supply of dollars from exporters on the one side and uncertainty over whether the Central Bank would continue to hold the ruble's rise on the other," said Viktor Kholoshnoi, a dealer at Interprombank.

The Central Bank has to make a tough choice -- to curb the ruble's strength or keep consumer prices under control -- as it has to print rubles to buy dollars from the market, thus adding to inflationary woes.

"The authorities are in an extremely difficult situation, given that the tide of oil revenues is being added to by speculative capital inflows betting on both a further strengthening of the ruble and a contraction in domestic interest rates," UFG investment house said in a research document.

Officials are seeking to keep inflation under 12 percent in 2003. Consumer prices rose 4.1 percent in the first two months of the year and Finance Ministry officials expect them to rise by up to 1.5 percent in March.

On the interbank market, another floor for hard currency trade, rubles for delivery on Friday were quoted at 31.3770/31.3870 at 1110 GMT, suggesting its further sharp rise was not on the cards for now, dealers said.

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The BVI has attained the right balance between meeting the business and financial needs of the international investment community and maintaining regulatory and corporate governance policies that meet, and in many cases exceed, international best.

Published monthly, Islamic Business and Finance is read by C level management throughout the banking and finance community. Every issue provides our readers with news, features, analysis and developments that shape the financial sector. Readers gain.

Japan follows Europe into negative interest rates

The Bank of Japan became the latest to experiment with below-zero interest rates in a bid to rev up economic growth and inflation, taking a cue from Europe where similar moves by central banks have yielded patchy results.

The Japanese central bank Friday unexpectedly introduced an interest rate of negative 0.1%, joining the European Central Bank and the central banks of Sweden, Denmark and Switzerland in introducing below-zero interest rates.

Negative interest rates are typically expected to weaken a country's currency, as investors borrow in the currency and invest in higher-yielding currencies. In Japan's case, a weaker yen has been a central tenet of Abenomics, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's economic program. Below-zero rates are used to encourage lending and spur credit growth. Such policies also signal a period of prolonged easy-money conditions and, some say, are a last resort.

Economists from Oxford Economics said the European central banks "explicitly or implicitly adopted negative interest rates in a bid to reduce short-term market interest rates and weaken the exchange rate," though Denmark and Sweden have struggled to weaken their currencies because their biggest trading partner, the eurozone, also has interest rates in negative territory.

Through such an expected move, the Bank of Japan "intended to cause a strong announcement effect on the forex market" by implementing measures Gov. Haruhiko Kuroda had previously denied, Goldman Sachs economists wrote in a note to clients Friday.

For years, economists had debated whether nominal rates of interest can be below zero. Now, economists say there is a limit to how far into negative territory interest rates can go.

While economists are still gathering the full impact of negative interest rates on boosting inflation and economic activity in Europe, many say the policy has pushed down bank borrowing rates and longer-term bond yields.

Alongside the monetary policy announcement Friday, the Bank of Japan also released a report on the outlook for economic activity and prices, lowering its forecasts for consumer prices for fiscal year 2016 and 2017.

The market initially reacted sharply, with the yen falling as much as 2.1% against the U. S. dollar but recovering through the day.

In Europe's case, negative policy rates have broadly come as ways of extending monetary easing. Denmark and Switzerland faced pressures from strengthening currencies when they first introduced negative interest rates.

The Bank of Japan is now introducing a three-tier system, with different interest rates on commercial banks' reserves held at the central bank. Only new deposits will face negative interest rates.

However, pressures could rise on nonfinancial institutions, like pension funds that have to manage long-term liabilities. They could also erode Japanese banks' profits by narrowing the gap between the rate banks lend at and the rate they take deposits at. After the Bank of Japan's move, stocks of Japanese banks fell sharply. Shares of Mitsubishi UFG Financial Group Inc. were last down over 7%.

"This was unexpected," said Naruki Nakamura, head of fixed income in Japan at BNP Paribas Investment Partners. He said the details of the Bank of Japan's policy remain unclear around the amount of deposits that will have negative interest rates.

"If the BOJ's decision was to put all the rates into negative by 10 basis points, then it would be very clear." After the Bank of Japan's latest decision, he didn't adjust his bond portfolio, noting that he would wait for further details on the policy.

Write to Anjani Trivedi at anjani. trivedi@wsj. com

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Gas closure to continue even after March 15: SNGPL

Last Updated on Tuesday, 30 November 1999 05:00 Written by Administrator Saturday, 12 March 2011 10:02

ISLAMABAD. Managing Director (MD) Sui Northern Gas Pipeline Limited (SNGPL) Rasheed Lon said on Friday that gas load shedding would continue even after March 15, 2011 due to demand and supply gap. In June, gas load shedding schedule will be revised. However, the one-day gas load shedding a week will continue the whole year, Lon said while addressing a press conference along with Secretary Petroleum Imtiaz Qazi and Managing Director Sui Southern Gas Company Limited Dr Faiz Ullah Abbasi. He said that Unaccounted for Gas (UFG) was common practice in the world. We have more consumers and therefore facing more UFG, he said. Lon said that gas load shedding would be continued even after March 15, adding that load shedding duration would be reduced in June. MD SSGC Dr Faiz Ullah Abbasi said that as Mashal Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project had been shelved, Board of Directors (BoDs) of SSGC had approved new initiative to import 3. 5 million tons LNG by using offshore option to set up terminal that would cost $150 million. He said that SSGC BoDs had approved this new initiative that would not only be cheaper source of LNG import but it would save time. Private sector will be encouraged to participate in the project and government will facilitate, he said, adding that the project will be initiated through tendering and after getting certain required technical studies i-e Met Oceanic Study and Environment Impact Assessment Study (EIAS), which would take eighteen months to import the gas. We will be able to provide LNG in first quarter of 2013 with an off-shore option as Mashal Project has been shelved and new initiative of tendering the import of gas project is on the card, approval of which has been given by the Board of Directors (BoD) of SSGC, he added. Replying to a question, he said that many countries were using the offshore option to import LNG that was a successful story. Secretary Petroleum Imtiaz Qazi said that 4Gas company that was earlier going to get the contract of LNG would also be welcomed in new initiative of LNG import. We have also asked Balochistan government to take ownership of fields so that drilling activities could be ensured, he said, adding that MOL Company is facing problems due to terrorist activities. He further informed that private parties had approached the government with an assurance to provide LNG in the country by the end of next year.

Courtesy. Business Recorder

Dinar Taxes – Cash-In-Dinar Details

That information was obsolete. The last update to the tax almanac was 2005. It is completely wrong even if you were researching mere capital gains or other currency issues. The Almanac provides big colored boxes warning that you use it at your own risk and that it cannot be relied on legally. Original IRS code is updated each year but the Almanac is no longer updated. Conversion of Dinar into other currencies does not produce capital gains.

The IRS provided clear information by telephone documented with the Agent’s ID number within the Special Accounts Division. A prior explanation was published back in early January but it may not have circulated adequately. It is updated below in larger font.

Recently we have learned that the US Treasury will siphon $1.00 per Dinar off the top. That way the government will receive real and instant benefit when we convert Dinar to US dollars. We won’t be aware of it. If we are told the rate is $6.00 (for example) the real rate was actually $7.00. The extra dollar will be silently deposited into the US Treasury. No one should feel that the government is being cheated.


When you convert Dinar to US dollars, you are not selling anything that brings taxable capital gain. You aren’t selling a house, or stock, or any of the normal capital-increasing gains. The IRS read-out below states this, and it makes sense.

Date: Sunday, February 26, 2012, 9:32 AM


10:01 PM [debtarheelgirl] FROM THE BIG CALL just now: Boots on the ground said the Kurdistan region just announced the RV [BWM] GUYS DON'T TRY TO PIN THIS TO A TIME… THE CBI HAS ALWAYS UPDATED WHENEVER "EARL" FELT LIKE PUSHING THE BUTTON… DON'T SIT WAITING UP FOR A SPECIFIC TIME… YOU WILL KNOW WITHIN SECONDS UPON THIS HAPPENING… [..SweetQueen] I have not heard rate for the VND, as my source is directly fom the sandbox and the information provided came from Baghdad. [gridkeeper] Jonny, Sweet Queen and Okie have all confirmed it. That is three different sources. 8:02 PM [LadyLeeLee] UFG: ATTENTION I am on the phone right now with Hammerman and he is excited and eating King Crab, he has confirmed with Cheney connection and Blaino's conntact and is hearing it from 2 civilians in Iraq. He is going to a concert but as he gets info he will get it to us. He is still grounded and NOT calling it officially ye

4:49 PM [..SweetQueen] I got word earlier today that Iraq had released to the

Intenational Press the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar, rate is 7.45 pegged to

SweetQueen] I don't need a link, my source is directly from the sandbox.

SweetQueen] and since everyone is hesitating to call it, I just did. This comes directly from my sources. the men are afraid to call it, so it was up to the

SweetQueen] I'm on the phone with Jonnywg and he has confirmations that it has gone LIVE in Iraq and announced to the Intenational Community. He will have associated press confirmations within the hour, the GBP is currently 1.56 and will be revalued to an even higher rate.

SweetQueen] What I have is what is posted, further confirmations are pouring in. We should see update of CBI come this evening.

[Cyndee49] forerunner4777 Wells Fargo Currency Converter on line about 15 minutes ago.



SweetQueen] DreaminBig I EXPECT TO SEE IT WHEN CBI UPDATES. [10:13:57 AM] Cap1 Verifies RV at Cap1Corner Chat Late Sat. Evening 02/25/2012




CAP1] WELL, FROM WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD, THE NEWS COMES FROM VERY HIGH SOURCES IN THE SANDBOX. [10:25:59 AM] SilverLining: ========================================== http://www. zawya. com/story. cfm/sidANA20120226T104111ZJZW44/ Tells about the budget was passed and other things moving forward ========================================== [10:31:36 AM] SilverLining: DINAR WISHES – 9:56 am est –


[r601a] DinarWishes – Good morning from Australia – Can you tell me if the Team has access to Bank screens today, Sunday please? [DinarWishes] r601a i HAVE A GUY WHO HAS ACCESS TO THE BANK SCREENS AND I AN WAITING TO GET THE CALL.

[DinarWishes] AZ85 EVERYONE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT IF IT WAS ANNOUNCED IN IRAQ THEN IT WILL TAKE SOME TIME TO SHOW HERE…. BUT THIS IS WHAT I DO KNOW…. I KNOW THE BUDGET WAS PASSED AND WAS PUT IN THE GAZETTE… ========================================= 9:22 AM [bluwolf] Iraq has officially gone international 9:22 AM [bluwolf] just let it flow in 9:23 AM [bluwolf] let it flow 9:24 AM [Gwaithfoed3] bluwolf What do you exect to see 9:25 AM [bluwolf] Gwaithfoed3 my bankers face bluwolf] all I wili say that we are in the position just to get confirmations from our bank sources to the fac of it being officilly on our eastern cuadrant

& # 8211; When the Power of Love overcomes Love of Power… We enjoy Peace… a World in Peace. America the Beautiful with wings of power and protection she will fly into the future and the whole world will look up to her for faith, hope and charity. Let God Bless AMERICA

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Gas sector yearning for attention

Third winters with the government in office, and the gas crisis refuses to take a break. Amid dropping mercury levels across the country, the demand for gas has peaked; but the supply situation has not improved a tad despite the cut in gas supply to the industry and most of the CNG sector in the country. In spite of the gas prioritisation schedule in place that lines up domestic and commercial sector at the top followed by the power sector, industry and CNG sector for gas supply, low pressure to nil supply is the state of affairs in Punjab, KPK and Balochistan.

Being a gas driven country, the consumption of gas in Pakistan has grown by around six percent per annum on average between 1974 and 2014. And besides the growth of the economy, the continuous increase in gas demand is attributable to the large implicit subsidy, and import substitution policies of the government. At this rate, natural gas is running out fast with no significant reserves in sight on the horizon.

While the government is working on medium to long-term gas supply projects (LNG, TAPI, etc.), what about the much need gas reforms in the sector? Local upstream, mid and downstream gas sector severely needs to undergo reforms. Some of the key recommendations and expert opinion in a recently held seminar on gas reforms in Pakistan organised by Research and Advocacy for the Advancement of Allied Reforms (RAFTAAR) in collaboration with Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in Islamabad are discussed here.

First, the upstream gas sector needs to up their ante in drilling and discovering the untapped potential. The government should vigorously work for increasing exploration and production of indigenous supply by revisiting its policies, especially now that oil prices have weakened to multiyear lows.

Secondly they have to restructure their regulatory framework. Upstream gas sector is regulated through Directorate General of Petroleum Concessions (DGPC), and it should be on the same page with the regulators from the midstream and downstream gas sector like OGRA and NEPRA.

At the same time, restructuring is also needed in the midstream and downstream gas sector; OGRA has stalled in its role to foster competition and increase private investment and ownership as the two public sector gas utilities (SSGC and SNGPL) still run the gas market with no competition and investment in the sector.

The regulator also lags way behind on its mission to safeguard public interest through efficient and effective regulation as tariff setting is still formula-based; there is no clarity on third party access mechanism; and the gas utilities are continuously incurring super high UFG losses, which indicates the obsolesce of the infrastructure. Pakistan is incurring annual power losses worth Rs90 billion, of which Rs53 billion come under UFG losses. The focus should be on reducing UFG losses, which should include upgrading the transmission and distribution infrastructure to cut leakages and installation of smart meters network for hierarchical gas accounting.

The unbundling process, which should improve governance and efficiency of the gas transmission and distribution segment, is also not progressing at a satisfactory rate. There is a need to reorganise gas sector in a way that there is one or two transmission companies and 8-10 distribution companies.

Issues like pricing and allocation should be discussed between the federation and the provinces; there is a need for provincial focus when it comes to gas allocation and autonomy in concession allotment and management.

Finally, gas consumption needs to be rationalised by creating awareness, and introducing and enforcing efficiency standards for gas utilization.

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Press Clippings

13 February 2004 Global Finance names Alfa-Bank Best Bank in Russia for 2004 in four categories Retail Bank, M&A advisor, Trade Finance Bank and Foreign Exchange Bank . Global Finance

NEW YORK — Global Finance magazine has released its rankings for the best banks in Russia 2004, covering a range of industry specialities. These will be published as part of an exclusive survey in the April 2004 issue. In that issue the magazine will also publish rankings for “The Best Companies in Russia”, broken down by sector.

Global Finance editors — with input from end users, analysts, corporate reports and other expert sources — selected the best banks on a variety of criteria, both objective and subjective. Factors considered included: market leadership, innovation, commitment to markets and evidence of long-term strategy.

“The Russian banking sector continued to show resilience and the ability to innovate and adapt,” says Global Finance publisher Joseph D. Giarraputo. “That's recognized in our awards, for which there were strong competitors in every category. Russia's banks show every sign of being able to mature and meet coming challenges in financing the country's companies, consumers and savers.”

Best Banks in Russia by Category

Best Domestic Bank — MDM Bank

Best Overseas Bank — Citigroup

Best Retail Bank — Alfa-Bank

Best Commercial Bank — MDM Financial Group

Best Investment Bank — Brunswick UBS

Best Forex Bank — Alfa-Bank

Best Trade Finance Bank — Alfa-Bank

Best Syndicated Loans Provider — Citigroup

Best Energy and Commodity Finance Provider — SG

Best Project Finance House — Raiffesenbank Austria

Best Domestic Debt Underwriter — Trust Investment Bank

Best Secondary Domestic Debt House — Trust Investment Bank

Best Domestic Debt Research — Bank ZENIT

Best Eurobond Arranger — UBS

Best Equity Research — Brunswick UBS

Best M&A advisor — Alfa-Bank

Best International Equity Underwriter — not awarded

Best Secondary Equity House — Aton Capital

Best M & A arranger — UFG

Best Asset Manager — UFG

Global Finance, which enters its 17 th year of publishing in 2004, has 50,000 subscribers and more than 253,000 readers in 108 countries. This audience includes chairmen, presidents, CEOs, CFOs, treasurers, and other financial officers responsible for making investments and strategic business decisions for large global companies and financial institutions. Global Finance targets most of the 8,000 key portfolio investors who control over 80% of all assets under professional management.

Regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (General License No 1326 of 16 January 2015) Alfa-Bank is a member of Alfa Group Consortium © 2001–2015 Alfa-Bank. All rights reserved OJSC Alfa-Bank is incorporated, focused and based in (Russia or other appropriate jurisdiction outside of the US), and is not affiliated with U. S.-based Alfa Insurance.

Computer applications in the context of financial speculation

Abstract: Prediction of various market indicators is an important issue in finance. This can be accomplished through computer models and related applications to finance, and in particular through Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) which have been used in stock market prediction and exchange rates during the last decade. The prediction of financial values (such as stock/exchange rate index as well as daily direction of change in the index) with neural networks has been investigated and, in some applications, it turned out that artificial neural networks have both great advantages and some limitations for learning the data patterns and predicting future values of the financial phenomenon under analysis. In this paper we analyze the particular financial market called FOREX and the way ANNs can make affordable predictions on the evolution of exchange rates between currencies.

Related works: This item may be available elsewhere in EconPapers: Search for items with the same title.

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Comercio Forex, materias primas y índices bursátiles con opciones binarias & ndash; Ver cómo

If you follow the Equity Indices closely, you can sometimes spot patterns that repeat themselves with a high degree of consistency. Continúe leyendo aquí.

August 24, 2015, was an important day in world currency markets. The Chinese shocked the world with a devaluation of the yuan. Continúe leyendo aquí.

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United Fire Increases Quarterly Dividend to $0.20 from $0.18; $0.18 est

Today, the Board of Directors of United Fire Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: UFCS ) (the "Company" or "UFG") approved a dividend increase of 11 percent and declared a common stock quarterly cash dividend of $0.20 per share. This dividend will be payable June 16, 2014, for shareholders of record as of June 2, 2014.

"UFG has consistently paid a quarterly dividend since March 1968," stated Randy Ramlo, president and chief executive officer. "The actions of our Board today to increase the dividend will further enhance our commitment to long-term shareholder value as well as help to create a competitive total return to our shareholders."

About United Fire Group, Inc.:

Founded in 1946 as United Fire & Casualty Company, United Fire Group, Inc. through its insurance company subsidiaries, is engaged in the business of writing property and casualty insurance and life insurance as well as selling annuities.

Through our subsidiaries, we are licensed as a property and casualty insurer in 43 states, plus the District of Columbia, and we are represented by approximately 1,200 independent insurance agencies. The United Fire pooled group is rated "A" (Excellent) by A. M. Best Company.

Our subsidiary, United Life Insurance Company, is licensed in 37 states, represented by approximately 1,000 independent life insurance agencies and rated "A-" (Excellent) by A. M. Best Company.

&dupdo; 2016 Benzinga. com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. Todos los derechos reservados.

Julie-Anne Lucchetti

Julie-Anne focuses her practice on general corporate matters, UK and international M&A (acquisition and sale) as well as private equity and venture capital investments.

She represents institutional investors, portfolio companies, entrepreneurs and management teams, and advises on transactions across a range of industries including e-commerce, technology, retail, media and advertising, healthcare and financial services.

Julie-Anne has previously been seconded to the Paris and Moscow offices and is a member of the firm's Japan Desk.

Prior to joining the firm, Julie-Anne worked for the Slovak branch of an international law firm.


Private Equity/Venture Capital

Counselling leading international and CIS-based investors including Intel Capital, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Baring Vostok Capital Partners, Moore Capital, Elbrus Capital, Troika Capital Partners, VTB Capital, Almaz Capital, MCI Management, Amun Capital and UFG Private Equity.

Advising Ozon Holdings on a US$150 million investment from Sistema and MTS.

Representing a retail company in a US$31,500,000 investment by new investors.

Assisting the shareholders of an England-based SPV with regard the acquisition of an international publishing business and their investment in the SPV.

Representing the holding company of the online used car broker and auctioneer Carprice. ru in several rounds of investments.

Advising the management team of Away Resorts in relation to the exit of CBPE Capital by way of sale to LDC.

Mergers & Adquisiciones

Assisting Fuyo General Lease Co. Ltd. in the acquisition of the UK holding company of Aircraft Leasing and Management.

Supporting the Monex Group on the acquisition of London-based forex specialist Schneider Foreign Exchange.

Advising the sellers of SKYCIG in their £60 million sale to Lorillard.

Counselling a Japan-based buyer in relation to the acquisition of a food distribution business in the UK.

Advising Reward Gateway in its acquisition of a strategic business located in England, Bulgaria and Macedonia by way of a business and assets acquisition.

Representing a Fortune 500 company in a bid to acquire an international cosmetic ingredients business.

Representing the sellers of Langland Advertising Media and Design in their sale to the Publicis Group.


Acting for Renaissance Capital on the formation of a private equity fund and on the acquisition and financing of the fund's first investment in mining assets in Africa.

Assisting Invia on the taking of senior facilities totalling CZK142,125,000 advanced by UniCredit and a mezzanine facility provided by Mezzanine Management.

Advising on a US$30 million mezzanine investment by Volga River Growth Fund in the Dutch holding of Sovcombank.

Representing PNC Business Credit in respect of the corporate aspects of various asset-based facilities to various borrowers.


College of Law, L. P.C.

College of Law, Graduate Diploma, Law

Panthéon-Assas University

Orebro University


England and Wales, 2011


PAC seeks reports on irregular appointments of 20 contract employees in OGRA

Wednesday, 27 January 2016 16:11

Posted by Parvez Jabri


ISLAMABAD: The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Wednesday directed the Secretary Cabinet Raja Hassan Abbas to initiate inquiry on irregular appointments of 20 contract employees including a consultant in Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) and submit report within four weeks.

The Meeting of the PAC was held under the Chairmanship of Syed Khursheed Shah and reviewed the audit paras of the Cabinet Division for the fiscal year of 2013-14.

During the meeting, Director General Audit for OGRA, informed the committee that 20 employees were appointed in 2011-12 on contract basis in different categories during ban period without press advertisement.

Thus, the payment of Rs3.11 million on account of pay and allowances made to these employees was held irregular, he added.

He said that OGRA also released payment of Rs 1.3 million to a consultant who was appointed against the rules and regulations.

To this, Chairman PAC directed the Secretary to submit report about the legal powers of the OGRA in the next meeting of the PAC.

Discussing about the audit para pertaining to the unjustified transfer of losses to consumers due to revision of benchmarks for UFG losses of Rs 2.8 billion, the Chairman PAC remarked that the SNGPL needs to improve its efficiency instead of shifting financial losses burden on the consumers.

He also summoned the Managing Directors of the Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited and Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) to appear before the committee and apprise about their performance.

During the meeting, it was revealed by the DG Audit that OGRA did not pay compensation money to the affectees of a tragic LPG cylinder explosion took place on May 3, 2005 at Allama Iqbal Town Lahore.

He said that a company namely Anoud Gas was found responsible for the incident and it was decided by the Authority that compensation money will be paid to the families of dead people as well as injured.

OGRA only paid Rs 300,000 to the families of dead persons and 25,000 to injure while rest of the money was transferred to the accounts of authority.

To this Chairman OGRA, Saeed Ahmed Khan said that Authority written letters to the Deputy Commission for paying compensation money but could not get succession certificates from him.

Syed Khursheed shah expressed displeasure over non payment of compensation money to the affectees and sought report within three days.

Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2016

Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) is Pakistan's leading integrated gas company engaged in transmission and distribution of natural gas that extends from Sui in Balochistan to Karachi in Sindh.

Government of Pakistan owns majority of the share sin the company which is above 70 percent.

The company covers transmission and distribution in 1,200 towns in Sindh and Balochistan consisting of 3,220 kilometers of high pressure pipeline with diameters ranging 12-30 inches.

Besides gas transmission and distribution, the company is also the sole manufacturer of gas meters with installed capacity of over 750,000 meters annually.

Gas shortage deflating supply Being one of the two largest gas distribution and transmission companies, SSCG continues to face natural gas shortage due to the widening schism between the supplies from the E&P companies and burgeoning natural gas demand.

Despite the addition of a gas producing field making them 17 in total, the supply during 1QFY12 decreased to 98.8 bcf by 4 percent.

And hence gas sales volumes The ballooning up of supply constraints faced by Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) translated into a fall in gas sales volumes by 4.6 percent to 88 bcf for 1QFY12 compared to 93 bcf in the similar period FY11.

For the quarter in consideration, the average gas well head price hovered at Rs 297.76 per MMBTU, an increase of 12 percent. Due to rise in consumer prices by OGRA, the average gas sales price increased by 8 percent to Rs 367.44 during 3MFY12.

As a result, the growth in sales revenue after GST was 3 percent for 1QFY12 compared to a sale growth of 7 percent for 1QFY11.

Operational activities continue in the midst of challenges SSGC in its franchise area, Sindh and Balochistan, extended its gas distribution system by 470 km during the first three months of FY12.

Further 42 km of distribution lines were laid to prevent leakages. As on September 30, 2011, Sui Southern Gas Company has a cumulative of 39,273 km of distribution network In contrast to 37,282 km till September 30, 2010.

The transmission network which consists of 2-30 inches diameter transmission lines had an aggregate of 3,337 km till September 2011.

With 30.678 gas connections to the domestic sector, the customer base of the company increased to 2.384 million connections which included commercial, industrial and domestic consumers. The performance by the gas meter manufacture mired as only 167,607 meters were produced during 1QFY12 versus 168,250 meters in the corresponding period FY11.

As SSGC is the only gas meter manufacturer, the drop in manufacturing of 0.38 percent is primarily owed to a plunge in the sales of gas meters to SNGPL by 9 percent for the same period in comparison. The resulting affect of 14 percent hike in cost of production and a corresponding slip in profits to Rs 17 million stood as a reflection of the ongoing gas crisis compared to Rs 46 million in the corresponding period FY11.

Profitability diminishing Though the gross profit margin of 2.38 percent showed some improvement for the quarter FY12, the net profit margin fell to 2.57 percent for! QFY12 compared to almost 4 percent for 1QFY11.

The profitability for the most part softened primarily due to the finance cost borne by the company and the unaccounted-for gas (UFG) scenario. For the quarter ending September 30, 2011, the finance cost incurred an increase of 69 percent over 1QFY11.

This had an immediate impact on the profitability which fell as a result.

The earnings per share fell from Rs 1.66 to Rs 0.95 mainly due to excess UFG.

The company was unable to sustain the 7 percent limit allowed by OGRA and hit the level of 10 percent.

In essence, SSGC suffered a reduction of Rs 900 million in its tariff returns during the three months compared to only Rs 584 million for the entire FY11.

Asset efficiency losing promptness The efficiency and profit earning capacity of the assets in general seems to flex gradually.

Stalled asset turnover and hence total asset turnover depict an increasing asset base with lopsided sales revenue growth.

TThe receivables turnover has also lost pace as trade receivables from KESC have been tricky for the company.

Being the largest customer, the impact of any mismanagement is huge.

This component of the inter-corporate circular debt outstanding from this debtor amounting to Rs 33 billion till September 2011 continues to create a challenging milieu for SSGC.

Satisfactory short term liquidity but questionable long term solvency The short term financial position of SSGC and its ability to pay short term obligations is secured for the time being as the current ratio hovers around 1 for 1QFY12.

However, the company is highly leveraged as seen from the debt to equity ratio of 6.47.

Though the company has reduced its debt considerably, it still remains highly financed by debt rather than equity.

Future Projects and outlook The bleak gas situation is ringing alarm bells for the country due to growing demand against limited supply from indigenous gas sources.

In the Sindh and Balochistan region alone, the demand and supply gap has widened to over 300mmcfd while SSGC is hardly saving 50mmcfd by curtailing gas supply to CNG stations. The industrial sector energy woes have aggravated.

In the south region, SSGC is the main source of energy for Bin Qasim Industrial Zone, SITE Area and Korangi Industrial Zone.

During the 8 - 12 hour gas curtailment has translated into escalating financial losses, threatening the survival of many industries. During November 2011, on an average the cost of production has gone up 15 percent due to under capacity operations of the industrial units which will further go up with new gas rates effective January 1, 2012.

The situation is further exacerbated with the 48 hour a week gas suspension of CNG stations.

The gas load management is to continue till the end of January when change in weather will take some pressure off the gas distribution coupled with 100 MMCFD of gas from Kunnar Pasakhi field would be available to the SSGC. Accordingly, Sui Southern Gas Company has tried to take steps to alleviate some suffering by considering the option of injection of Synthetic Natural Gas SNG into its system and for which it has issued a tender notice in the print media. Also the company plans the commencement of two LPG air mix plants and claims that the two plants would produce 50 mmcfd of gas each.

The plants will be integrated with local LPG supply storage tanks and SSGC distribution network.

The company has also acquired LPG import terminal, storage and bottling facilities at Port Qasim and is considering retrofitting its LPG terminal for simultaneous handling of Liquefied Natural Gas LNG imports. The gas distribution companies, SNGPL/ SSGC, have also proposed to buy raw gas at Latif field gate, designating the pipeline network from Latif field to Sawan plant as transmission pipeline.

However, it all depends how these proposals come to play in times to come.

=========================================================== Sui Souther Gas Company =========================================================== 1QFY10 1QFY11 1QFY12 =========================================================== Profitability Gross profit margin -2.17% 0.64% 2.38% Net profit margiin 0.28% 3.90% 2.57% Return on fixed assets 0.17% 2.54% 1.32% Return on total assets 0.07% 0.95% 0.53% Return on equity 0.67% 7.33% 4.29% solvency Current ratio 0.98 0.95 1.02 Debt to Assets aa 0.87 0.81 Debt to equity ratio 8.88 6.74 6.47 Long term debt to equity 1.50 0.46 0.74 Efficiency Fixed asset turnover 0.61 0.65 0.51 Total asset turnover 0.24 0.24 0.21 Recievable turnover 0.70 0.63 0.59 Payable turnover 0.51 0.53 0.46 Market EPS 0.10 1.66 0.95 Market price (Sep 30) 13.79 30.28 24.62 P/E ratio 137.90 18.24 25.92 ===========================================================

Source: company accounts

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Seoul: N. Korea resumes loudspeaker broadcasts amid tension

South Korean protesters shout slogans during a rally demanding to stop the joint military exercises, Ulchi Freedom Guardian or UFG, between the U. S. and South Korea near the U. S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, Monday, Aug. 17, 2015. The UFG exercise kicked off Monday for a 12-day run to prepare for a possible North Korea's attack. AP/Ahn Young - joon

SEOUL, South Korea — The rival Koreas have resumed cross-border propaganda warfare as North Korea matched South Korea's loudspeaker campaign with broadcasts of its own that reportedly included criticism of Seoul and praises for Pyongyang.

The mutual propaganda attacks mark a further deterioration of relations between the Koreas, who haven't engaged in any serious talks in recent months.

Last week, South Korea blamed the North for land mine explosions that maimed two South Korean soldiers and resumed propaganda broadcasts for the first time in 11 years in retaliation. North Korea has denied the accusations and threatened to launch strikes on South Korean loudspeakers.

Two to three days after South Korea's restart of broadcasts, North Korea began its own loudspeaker campaign along the border, a South Korean Defense Ministry official said Tuesday speaking on condition of anonymity because of department rules.

The official gave no further details and South Korea's military said in a statement that the North Korean broadcasts were not clearly audible in South Korean areas. But South Korean public broadcaster KBS, citing an unidentified military official, reported that the North Korean broadcasts mainly included criticism of South Korea and praises for North Korea's political system.

The North's broadcasts mark the restoration of inter-Korean propaganda warfare along the border after the two Koreas stopped the practice in 2004 as part of their efforts to ease animosities. Other practices, including leafleting and the operation of front-line billboards, remain suspended, according to Seoul officials.

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Animosities between the rivals are expected to continue as Seoul and Washington kicked off annual military drills that Pyongyang calls an invasion rehearsal. South Korean and U. S. officials have said that the drills are defensive in nature.

U. S. State Department spokesman John Kirby said the "routine" exercises were proceeding normally. "We look forward to completing the exercises, as we always do. This is all about proving alliance capability," he told reporters in Washington.

South Korea has said the two soldiers wounded from the mine explosion were on a routine patrol at the southern part of the Demilitarized Zone that separates the two Koreas. One soldier lost both legs, while the other lost one leg.

South Korean loudspeaker broadcasts were aimed at emphasizing that the mine blast was a provocation committed by North Korea and relaying messages about the superiority of Seoul-style democracy as well as world news and weather forecasts, the South Korean Defense Ministry official said.

North Korea is intolerant of any outside criticism of its leadership, led by Kim Jong Un. Last year, North Korean troops opened fire after South Korean activists floated balloons carrying propaganda leaflets across the border. South Korea returned fire, but no casualties were reported.

The Koreas' mine-strewn DMZ is the world's most heavily armed border, with hundreds of thousands of combat troops facing each other. It's a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War, which ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty.

Associated Press writer Matthew Pennington in Washington contributed to this report.

Cover Story. Stars of the New Russia

April 01, 2004 Author: Mark Lehane


BEST DOMESTIC BANK MDM BANK In a tight field, this bank’s independence, allied to its commitment to genuine intermediation, wins it the prize. MDM is a money-gusher, too, achieving a return-on-investment for the first three quarters of 2003 of 46.6%.

BEST OVERSEAS BANK CITIBANK Investment banking strengths would have made it UBS Brunswick (and Citi’s bond team have had a quietish time in the absence of major hydrocarbon activity), but the world’s premier global financial brand is digging ever deeper into the fabric of Russian life. It is the lead loan arranger in the country and is perhaps the strongest over - seas contender in the booming consumer finance market.

BEST RETAIL BANK ALFA BANK Russia’s blooming bourgeoisie makes a juicy target for a raft of customer-hungry banks. But Alfa’s snazzy Alfa Express chain combines with strong retail experience to make it still the one to beat. MEJOR

COMMERCIAL BANK MDM BANK MDM Bank has grown its Russian corporate book fast, without the benefit of links to allied industrial groups. That combines with a strong position in trade finance and allied skills to provide a robust offering to Russia’s companies.

BEST INVESTMENT BANK BRUNSWICK UBS The Sibneft-Yukos merger may have evaporated (leaving just a tiresome league table spat in its wake), but no Russian house managed to combine advisory, research and primary markets ability into as strong an investment bank offering as this robust hybrid.

Moscow International Bank puts up a strong showing in foreign exchange, but Alfa Bank, with its large domestic network and subsidiaries in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, London, Amsterdam and New York, is the dominant force. It is part of an industrial conglomerate, the Alfa Group, which has interests in oil and gas, commodities trading and telecommunications, but the bank has recently shifted its strategic priorities toward commercial banking and away from inhouse banking.

BEST TRADE FINANCE BANK ALFA BANK Alfa Bank is one of the few Russian banks with accreditation to insure medium-term credits with the participation of the US Export-Import Bank, as well as with the export credit agencies of Russia’s trade partners.

BEST SYNDICATED LOAN PROVIDER CITIBANK The global financial powerhouse dominates the syndicated loan markets for Russian borrowers, helping to bring a roster of corporate heavyweights to market. The Yukos affair provided a parenthesis in a year previously marked by plunging yields, lengthening tenors and the emergence of unsecured borrowings. Most players expect a likely sovereign upgrade to provide a benign background for this year’s loan market.

BEST ENERGY AND COMMODITY FINANCE PROVIDER BANK SOCIéTé GéNéRALE VOSTOK Runner up to Citibank in the loan league tables, SG combines advanced structuring know-how and sector expertise to hold onto this slot.

BEST PROJECT FINANCE HOUSE RAIFFEISENBANK AUSTRIA This is territory still best navigated with the help of official export credit, trade or multilateral agencies. In fact, true project financings were thin on the ground. Raiffeisen teamed up with the IFC to provide project financing for a project to expand a wood panel factory near Moscow for Swiss-based Kronostar. Still, that’s small beer compared with deals bubbling under to finance looming projects such as the $10 billion Sakhalin LNG project.

BEST DOMESTIC UNDERWRITER TRUST INVESTMENT BANK This bank has targeted Russia’s domestic bond market and tops the underwriter league tables. Like its rivals, it will need to revitalize its recipe to kick-start a market that stalled badly after a mid-2003 correction in yields.

BEST SECONDARY DOMESTIC DEBT HOUSE TRUST INVESTMENT BANK Primary market strength translates into secondary presence at this market specialist. The second-half 2003 correction wiped out some primary market excesses, but secondary market players have yet to undergo a real testing in this market cycle.

BEST DOMESTIC DEBT RESEARCH BANK ZENIT Russian corporate bond players regularly cite the quality of the debt market research of this tightly focused house. Zenit goes as far as issuing its own ratings in conjunction with a Russian magazine.

BEST EUROBOND ARRANGER UBS In a remarkable year for bonds from central and Eastern Europe, Russia has accounted for the lion’s share of the action. A revitalized emerging markets debt team and UBS Brunswick’s top-drawer address book has put UBS at the top of the bookrunner pile.

BEST EQUITY RESEARCH BRUNSWICK UBS In a competitive market where three houses regularly vie for top slot, UBS Brunswick edges the award. Top-rated analysts Paul Collison and Peter Boone are the stars in a team with depth and staying power.

BEST SECONDARY EQUITY HOUSE ATON CAPITAL GROUP Despite the paucity of primary flows in 2003,Aton Capital has continued to capture a leading share of the booming trade in Russia’s leading stocks.

BEST M&A; ARRANGER UNITED FINANCIAL GROUP Alfa Bank did more deals last year, but UFG’s trophy role in advising UK oil company BP on its $6.3 billion stake in Tyumen Oil makes it the winner. The on-off Yukos-Sibneft merger (on which UBS Brunswick advised) hogged the headlines, but observers say M&A; attention is shifting from hydrocarbons to the precious metals sector. UFG’s recent link-up with Deutsche Bank should help further. BEST M&A; ADVISOR ALFA BANK Advising on the June 2003 $8 billion joint venture between BP and Alfa Group/Access-Renova helped propel Alfa Bank to the top of the advisory tables, but the bank also advised on deals involving ICN Pharmaceuticals, Eniseytelecom and BaykalWestCom. BEST ASSET MANAGER UFG ASSET MANAGEMENT With pension reform opening up Russian workers’payrolls to private-sector fund managers, there’s a Klondike air about this sector. Overseas players are moving in, smart home-towners like Alfa Capital are hiring, but UFG’s mix of local and international savvy gives it a distinct edge.


BEVERAGES SUN INTERBREW Baltika is Russia’s biggest beer brand, but sales have gone flat in the past year. Instead, it is SUN Interbrew that has charged back in a market that still has great growth potential.

CONSUMER PRODUCTS WIMM–BILL–DANN FOODS A two-year on-off negotiation process with International Food Group ended in November 2003.That the company’s owners were prepared to pull the deal if the price wasn’t right reflected the confidence at this brand king, owner of many of Russia’s best-known household names.

ENGINEERING UNITED HEAVY MACHINERY A late-2003-announced merger with Siloviye Mashiny propelled UHM to the top of Russia’s engineering pile and created a company better able to compete with international houses. A 2003 listing on London will help the company access the capital it needs to restructure and grow.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IBS COMPANY Founded in 1992 by now-CEO Anatoliy Karachinskiy, IBS is Russia’s leading tech-consulting firm. Its client list is a Who’s Who of overseas blue chips setting up shop in Russia, as well as home-town ministries and corporate giants.

NON-FERROUS METALS NORILSK NICKEL Chinese demand is helping drive world nickel prices through the roof in anticipation of looming shortages. No one is better placed to benefit from that than Norilsk, the globe’s largest nickel producer.

OIL AND GAS LUKOIL The Yukos affair has buffeted almost all Russian oil and gas companies, but Lukoil has gained more than it has lost. Holding the second-largest private oil reserves in the world, Lukoil has a strong hand in negotiations with would-be foreign partners.

TELECOM MOSCOW TELESYSTEMS Moscow Telesystems is the market leader in Russia’s high-margin cell phone market. That gap may widen if a legal dispute over nearest rival Vimpelcom’s Moscow area license distracts the company’s management.

Stakes are always high in the poker game that is the restructuring of this country’s electricity monopoly. But despite the well-trumpeted antagonism between the Kremlin and UES head, Anatoly Chubais, overseas power groups are beginning to follow where portfolio investors led, by bidding to run UES plants.

UBS Sells Alternative Fund Services Business, Will Enhance Focus On Wealth Management

UBS (NYSE:UBS) has signed a deal with Japan’s MUFG Investor Services to sell its Alternative Fund Services (AFS) business. [1 ] The move is the latest by the Swiss banking giant towards improving profitability by refocusing its business model around its cornerstone wealth management business. As a part of UBS’s Global Asset Management division, the AFS business provides professional services for hedge funds, funds of hedge funds, private equity and real estate structures.

While financial details of the deal were not revealed, the unit is rumored to be for as much as 30 billion yen ($240 million). [2 ] The sale, which is expected to close in the fourth quarter of this year, will also result in a reduction in UBS’s global workforce by 300.

The disposal does not have a material impact on our $23 price estimate for UBS’s stock. which is about 10% ahead of the current market price.

UBS has implemented drastic changes to its business model since 2012 in a bid to achieve sustainable profits in the stricter regulatory environment seen worldwide. Notably, UBS was the first global banking giants to announce plans to substantially shrink its fixed-income trading business – slashing no less than 10,000 jobs in the process. With a long term strategy of focusing on its global wealth management operations in the future, UBS worked through a bulk of its balance sheet over 2013-2014. Having met most of the goals it set for itself as a part of the reorganization plan, and having strengthened itself sufficiently to be one of the world’s best capitalized banks, UBS has turned its attention towards its smaller, less profitable units over recent months.

This is where UBS’s decision to get rid of its Alternative Fund Services (AFS) business comes in. The unit is a part of the bank’s asset management division, and is a global fund administrator with offices in Canada, Cayman, Hong Kong, Ireland, Jersey, Singapore, U. K. and U. S. The sale was most likely prompted by the fact that margins for the fund administration business have been low over recent years due to the prevalent low interest environment worldwide. The unit employs around 300 people and has around $160 billion in assets under administration.

Notably, Mitsubishi UFG (MUFG) has been keen on growing this business over recent years, with the Japanese financial giant acquiring two fund administrators over recent years. [2 ] The recent deal with UBS will increase the size of MUFG’s assets under administration from roughly $100 billion now to more than $260 billion, and will also allow the latter to benefit from significant economies of scale. [3 ] As for UBS, we believe that the deal will potentially help improve overall profit margins for the bank’s asset management division over coming years. You can see how this benefits UBS’s share price by making changes to the chart below.

Central Bank Halves Key Deposit Rates

The Central Bank slashed its key deposit rates Saturday in a move analysts said was aimed at improving money market liquidity, halting the ruble's appreciation and reducing the cost of domestic treasuries.

The abrupt cuts were also seen as sending a signal that the new Central Bank management was making good on its promise to play a more active role on the financial markets.

The bank reduced its overnight rate to 2 percent from the previous 4 percent, slashed its spot-next rate to 0.8 percent from a previous 5 percent and cut the one-week rate to 5.5 percent from 11 percent.

The Central Bank wants its instruments and rates to become benchmarks for commercial banks, Oleg Vyugin, the Central Bank's first deputy chairman, said in an interview Friday.

"A more active deposit rate policy is a sort of first step," said Alexei Zabotkine, chief economist with the United Financial Group investment bank.

Some analysts said the move was also designed to speed up the ruble's nominal depreciation and stall real-term growth.

"From the point of view of money policy, the move could mean that the Central Bank now wants a faster ruble depreciation," said Natalya Orlova, chief economist with Alfa Bank. "In principle, any rate cut on our markets prompts a inflow of rubles to the currency market."

The rate cut comes on the heels of the Central Bank's promise to cap ruble appreciation against the dollar at 5 percent this year after more than 9 percent growth in 2001.

The ruble has been depreciating in nominal terms, but with inflation running at double digits it has effectively firmed. Its real-term appreciation has sparked discontent among local exporters, who say it erodes their competitiveness.

A hefty inflow of petrodollars from exporters, obliged to sell 50 percent of their hard currency earnings to the Central Bank, helped keep the ruble steady in April.

"It seems that the Central Bank wants to force banks to park rubles in longer-term deposits to make it easier for it to control money flows," said Alexander Karpov, chief economist at Zenit Bank.

The Central Bank, which up until now tended to regulate money supply through interventions rather than rates, does not publish information about its ruble deposits, but analysts estimate the amount to be some 20 billion to 30 billion rubles ($640 million to $960 million).

Analysts also said the move could be aimed at reducing the cost of domestic borrowing.

"The ultimate aim of the Central Bank is to prevent a sharp rate rise on the money market when the government is borrowing actively," UFG's Zabotkine said.

In 2002, the Finance Ministry plans to issue 97.5 billion rubles' worth of ruble-denominated bonds and 48 billion rubles' worth of treasury bills.

Saturday's cuts could also stimulate the country's largest bank, Sberbank, which holds more than 70 percent of the retail deposit market, to invest more money in government securities rather than keep its rubles with the Central Bank.

"As it is Sberbank's funds that form the bulk of ruble deposits in the Central Bank. the cut should prod it toward a more active policy with government paper," Alfa Bank's Orlova said. "The yields on that market have grown somewhat, so it may be a signal that the Central Bank does not like Sberbank's stance."

Forex dealers took little notice of the rate cut as most closed their books ahead of the May Day holiday, which begins May 1.

The ruble ended a quiet session virtually unchanged at 31.1850/31.1950 against the dollar.



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I. Background

A. Rising Star Media

Heth was the General Director and Chief Executive Officer of OOO Rising Star Media ("OOO RSM"), which leased and operated six multiplex movie theaters in Russia ("RSM"). National Amusements Inc. ("NAI") was the majority owner of OOO RSM through an its majority membership in Rising Star Media LLC ("RSM LLC"). In 2008, Heth began exploring of a management buyout of NAI's stake with Charles Ryan of UFG Asset Management ("UFG") and NAI's president, Shari Redstone. Heth, Ryan, and Redstone agreed on the outline of a deal structure where Ryan would provide most of the funding and Heth and Redstone would become minority shareholders.

B. The March Agreement

Heth engaged his friend, Van Riet, to provide financial assistance in connection with potential acquisition by RMS LLC of other companies or the potential sale of the cinema assets of RSM LLC. The initial plan was to raise capital to fund the acquisition of cinemas in Russia (the "Program"). Heth sought to secure an agreement that would be a "poison pill" to any third party that would attempt to get in between Heth and Van Riet. Heth and Van Riet both stated that the contemplated agreement would align their interests. After a period of negotiations, Heth and VRCL entered into a contract on March 27, 2009 (the "March Agreement" e-filed as NYSCEF Doc. No 319).

In the March Agreement, VRCL agreed to provide financial assistance in connection with the Program or any other transaction involving the sale or transfer of the cinema assets (a "Transaction"). If the Program or a Transaction was consummated within twelve (12) months of the March Agreement, VRCL was entitled to "the greater of (I) between 28.57%. and 50% 1 of the Sponsor Interest. or (ii) $2,000,000" (Doc. No. 319, p. 2). A "Sponsor Interest" is defined as "all consideration (including cash, securities or other property) paid to or received by [Heth], directly or indirectly, in connection with the Program or any Transaction" (id). If the Sponsor Interest took the form of non-public securities, Heth and VRCL were required to agree in good faith on the value of the securities prior to the closing date of the Transaction. Any Sponsor Interest paid to VRCL would be "credited to VRCL's share of [Heth's] and VRCL's aggregate Sponsor Interest" ( id, p. 3). However, "any investment by VRCL into the Transaction or Program does not constitute a Sponsor Interest" (id).

The March Agreement contemplated termination on the date of the closing of a Transaction. However, it also included a "tail provision." The tail provision specified that the Compensation provision would survive for a period of 12 (twelve) months after the termination of March Agreement "if the Program is implemented or Transaction is consummated or an agreement is entered into that subsequently results in the implementation of the Program or the consummation of a Transaction" ( id, p. 2). The March Agreement included a provision that it "may not be amended or modified except in writing signed by you and VRCL, supersedes all prior understandings and agreements between us with respect to the subject matter hereof. " ( id, p. 5).

C. Negotiations for the Sale of RSM

The Program never came to fruition ( see Decision and Order dated March 15, 2013, NYSCEF Doc. No. 279). On April 6, 2009, Van Reit and UFG entered into a non-circumvent agreement which prevented UFG from acquiring RSM without VRCL for a period of two years (NYSCEF Doc. No. 556 ¶ 7). On April 27, 2009, Ryan sent an email to Van Riet in response to a draft proposal explaining that he considered "applying a private equity paradigm to the management's role [was] confusing." Heth, Van Reit, and Redstone met in New York on July 13, 2009 to discuss how the management of RSM would allocate ownership of the new company after the acquisition of RSM by a group of investors led by Ryan. Thereafter, the negotiations proceeded as described below.

On July 18, 2009, Van Riet emailed Heth expressing dissatisfaction with a 8-8-4 percent split among Redstone, Heth and Van Riet. On July 28, 2009, Van Riet and Ryan spoke. Ryan suggested a 9-9-2% split, with Van Riet receiving fees for merger and acquisition deals post-closing. On November 11, 2009, Heth, Van Riet and Ryan met in Moscow. Ryan told Van Riet to "back down" on his contractual entitlement with Heth. Van Riet made an offer which was rejected by Ryan. By late November, it was understood that the total "Management Promote" among Redstone, Heth, and Van Riet would be increased from 20% to 30%.

On December 15, 2009, Van Riet proposed via email that he receive 2% of the sponsors carried interest, $350,000 for the transaction, board membership, executive responsibility for strategic financial matters, $180,000 annual compensation, and an exclusive M&A advisory relationship with a 2.5% acquisitions value. Van Riet also stated that Heth supported the proposed arrangement provided that it concluded the March Agreement. Van Riet also sought to invest between $1 million and $2 million, depending on final governance if he received a board seat. Through late December, Van Riet and Ryan exchanged additional emails negotiating the terms of the arrangement. Van Riet deferred discussion of a release of the March Agreement until after consummation of the acquisition of RSM.

D. The December Agreement

On December 29, 2009, Van Riet, RSM Holdco, and UFG signed a "summary of principal agreed terms and conditions related to the acquisition of RSM" (the "December Agreement" e-filed as NYSCEF Doc. No. 336). Ryan signed in his capacity as Chairman of UFG and controlling shareholder of RSM Holdco. Heth signed in his capacity as CEO of RSM Holdco.

In consideration for Van Riet's facilitation of the acquisition transaction and a $1,000,000 cash investment, the December Agreement provided him with 2% of the management ownership interest vesting within three years; a $350,000 fee; a board seat, contingent on availability (otherwise an ex-officio board position); a one-year exclusive M&A advisor engagement with a 2.5% advisory fee; and $115,000 in annual compensation comprising $57,500 as M&A advisor and $57,500 for board participation. The December Agreement was not an integrated document, and it stated that it could be "further clarified by further documentation" ( id, p. 1). It is undisputed that Heth intended the December Agreement terminate the March Agreement. Although disputed by Van Riet, it appears that Ryan intended the December Agreement to terminate the March Agreement (Ryan Tr. I, p. 80-86).

E. The Sale of RSM

Following execution of the December Agreement, the UFM-led acquisition of RSM closed on December 31, 2009. The sale of RSM was a "Transaction" as defined by the March Agreement (Plaintiff's Statement of Undisputed Facts ¶ 166; Defendant's Statement of Undisputed Facts ¶ 72). Heth received 13% of the "B-Shares," or profit interest in the new company, Redstone received 15%, and Van Riet received 2%.

F. The Aftermath of the Sale

Following the closing, Heth, through his attorney, Chase Mellen, emailed Van Riet and his attorney on December 31, 2009 seeking to work out a satisfaction of the March Agreement. Van Riet replied that "we should wait until the last details of [his compensation] had been worked out." On February 15, 2010, Mellen again e-mailed Van Riet, stating that since the compensation details had been worked out, it was now time to execute the release, attaching a draft Termination and Mutual Release. Van Riet replied seeking information on the status of the issuance of the B-shares and the implementation of the new corporate structure. Heth e-mailed Van Riet on February 21, 2010 seeking to "speed this up." Van Riet replied stating that there was much to finalize and that "link[ing] the two [i. e. the March Agreement and the December Agreement]. is not appropriate."

On March 1, 2010, Heth e-mailed Van Riet stating that he was advised by Ryan and Mellen that "there was enough documentation for you to release me from our letter." Van Riet replied that he "did not understand [that] email." Heth explained that Van Riet and UFG have not concluded their agreement, but he would release the 2%, but he did not want to then be held liable under the March Agreement. Van Riet replied asking: "What does the $350k have to do with the 2%?" Heth sought to have Mellen draft a release of his obligations to reimburse expenses and cash obligations, leaving outstanding the disbursement of the 2%. Heth explained in a further email that neither he nor Van Riet wanted to release each other from the March Agreement until they had received what they need from RSM.

On March 5, 2010, Heth again e-mailed Van Riet stating that he was prepared to send the M&A funds and Van Riet's expenses, but wanted a release of the March Agreement pending receipt of the B-Shares. Heth explained that he wanted to "ensure that I am not put in a situation where I am liable for another claim from you as this is how I read the [March Agreement] letter we signed" (Plaintiff's Statement of Undisputed Facts ¶ 107).

On March 11, 2010, Van Riet, through his counsel Markham, sent a "side letter" to Mellen stating that the $350,000 transaction fee "shall be credited against any amounts that may be due to me pursuant to the [March Agreement]." Mellen replied that he "didn't understand" the side letter and thought that the compensation under the December Agreement would satisfy the March Agreement. On March 18, 2010, Heth forwarded an email to Van Riet containing an account of a conversation between their attorneys where Markham had allegedly stated that Van Riet was "specifically withholding" confirmation that "performance of [Van Riet's] deal with [RSM] will constitute satisfaction of the [March Agreement]."

On May 28, 2010, Mellen again raised the issue of the release. Markham replied that Van Riet was "still awaiting documents to reflect [his] deal with RSM" and they could "address the release once we have finalized those documents."

In June, 2010, UFG, Heth, and, Van Riet circulated a draft shareholder agreement. Van Riet objected to the extent that it did not reflect the December Agreement. In July, UFG sought to include a clause that incorporated language that there existed no other agreements with anyone else. On August 18, 2010, UFG asked Van Riet whether he had reviewed the draft agreement. Van Riet replied that he preferred "to just stick with the existing agreements." UFG responded that "there remains the issue that you have not formally torn up the original agreement with [Heth]." On August 24, Markham circulated a revised draft that made several changes, including deletion of the section involving existing agreements.

On September 1, 2010, Heth e-mailed Van Riet stating that he recalled Van Riet stating that he would release Heth from the March Agreement once he had his documents from UFG. While Van Riet did not contradict this email, he testified that the statement was "totally inconsistent" with his recollection of that conversation. Heth was concerned that UFG had told him that Van Riet had a claim of half of his deal based on the March Agreement. On September 6, 2010, UFG emailed a revised draft of the shareholder agreement which reinserted the "no other agreements language." Van Riet did not sign the proposed shareholder agreement.

G. ProfMedia's Purchase of UFG

During the negotiations regarding termination of the March Agreement, UFG decided not to acquire additional cinemas but instead to explore selling RSM to ProfMedia. Realizing that this would preclude compensation for M&A services, Ryan told Van Riet that he would instead receive a sales fee in connection with the sale to ProfMedia. On August 6, 2010 Van Riet requested a meeting with Ryan to discuss the sales fee. Ryan replied expressing the view that because Van Riet would receive nearly $7,000,000 from the sale to more than half of that would be considered Van Riet's "fee" and no additional payment was necessary.

On September 14, 2010, the RSM board authorized Heth to negotiate the final terms of the sale to ProfMedia. The next day, an "Indicative Term Sheet," a summary of principal terms and conditions proposed for the sale for a price of $179,950,000 was signed by representatives from ProfMedia. On November 6, 2010, RSM and ProfMedia signed an amendment to the term sheet. On February 18, 2011, Heth (on behalf of RSM) and ProfMedia signed a Share Purchase Agreement agreeing to the sale of RSM. The Share Purchase Agreement "supersede[d] any previous agreement" relating to the sale. The sale closed in June 2011.

Van Riet received $2,608,073.00 for his 2% of the B-Shares, $2,826,307.00 in return on his $1,000,000 investment, the $350,000 transaction fee, $57,500 annual compensation through June 2, 2011 and $57,500 for board participation.

Heth, as CEO of RSM received a $250,000 bonus in 2010 and a housing allowance of $90,000. Based on RSM's financial numbers in 2010, Heth received an additional bonus of $1,100,000. For his 13% of the B-Shares Heth received $16,796,000. Heth also received a $800,000 discretionary bonus upon the sale of RSM to ProfMedia. On September 11, 2012, Heth was paid a "change-of-ownership bonus" of $1,300,000.

H. Procedural History

On May 25, 2011, Heth filed this action seeking a declaratory judgment that any obligations under the March Agreement were satisfied, discharged, or otherwise extinguished. Van Riet and VRCL answered, with VRCL filing a five counterclaims seeking, inter alia, damages for breach of the March Agreement. On November 29, 2011, this court issued a Decision and Order dismissing all the counterclaims except the breach of contract claim (NYSCEF Doc. No. 116).

Heth then amended his complaint adding causes of action for fraudulent inducement of (2) the March Agreement and (3) the December Agreement, (4) breach of March Agreement, and (5) unjust enrichment. Discovery having been completed, Heth moves in motion sequence number 012 for summary judgment as to his First Cause of Action for a declaration that if any obligation was owed under the terms of the March Agreement, it has been fully satisfied and dismissing the remaining counterclaim for breach of the March Agreement. In motion sequence No. 013, VRCL moves for summary judgment on the counterclaim and Van Riet and VRCL move for summary judgment dismissing Heth's complaint.

II. Discusión

A. Summary Judgment Standard

The standards for summary judgment are well settled. Summary judgment is a drastic remedy which will be granted only when the party seeking summary judgment has established that there are no triable issues of fact ( see, CPLR 3212 [b]; Alvarez v Prospect Hosp.,  68 N. Y.2d 329 [1986]; Sillman v Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation,  3 N. Y.2d 395 [1957]). To prevail, the party seeking summary judgment must make a prima facie showing of entitlement to judgment as a matter of law tendering evidentiary proof in admissible form, which may include deposition transcripts and other proof annexed to an attorney's affirmation ( see, Alvarez v Prospect Hosp. supra ; Olan v Farrell Lines,  64 N. Y.2d 1092 [1985]; Zuckerman v City of New York,  49 N. Y.2d 557 [1980]). Absent a sufficient showing, the court should deny the motion without regard to the strength of the opposing papers ( see Winegrad v New York Univ. Med. Ctr.,  64 N. Y.2d 851 [1985]).

Once the initial showing has been made, the burden shifts to the party opposing the motion for summary judgment to rebut the prima facie showing by producing evidentiary proof in admissible form sufficient to require a trial of material issues of fact ( see, Kaufman v Silver,  90 N. Y.2d 204. 208 [1997]). Although the court must carefully scrutinize the motion papers in a light most favorable to the party opposing the motion and must give that party the benefit of every favorable inference ( see, Negri v Stop & Shop, Inc.,  65 N. Y.2d 625 [1985]) and summary judgment should be denied where there is any doubt as to the existence of a triable issue of fact ( see, Rotuba Extruders, Inc. v Ceppos,  46 N. Y.2d 223. 231 [1978]), bald, conclusory assertions or speculation and "a shadowy semblance of an issue" are insufficient to defeat a summary judgment motion ( S. J. Capalin Assoc. v Globe Mfg. Corp.,  34 N. Y.2d 338 [1974]; see, Zuckerman v City of New York, supra; Ehrlich v American Moninga Greenhouse Manufacturing Corp.,  26 N. Y.2d 255. 259 [1970]).

B. Fraudulent Inducement

To state a claim for fraud, a plaintiff must allege misrepresentation or concealment of a material fact, falsity, scienter by the wrongdoer, justifiable reliance on the deception, and resulting injury ( Kaufman v Cohen,  307 A. D.2d 113. 119 [1st Dept 2003]). The plaintiff must set forth the circumstances of the fraud with particularity (CPLR 3016 [b]). To plead scienter, a plaintiff must offer more than conclusory allegations of intent. ( see Zanett Lombardier, Ltd. v Maslow,  29 A. D.3d 495. 495-496 [1st Dept 2006]). Further, a plaintiff may not claim justifiable reliance if he could have discovered the truth "by ordinary intelligence or with reasonable investigation" ( id. at 496). Furthermore, the fraudulent statement must be more than a concealed lack of intent to perform the contract. "To say that a contracting party intends when he enters into an agreement not to be bound by it is not to state `fraud' in an actionable area, but to state a willingness to risk paying damages for breach of contract" ( Briefstein v P. J. Rotondo Constr. Co.,  8 A. D.2d 349. 351 [1st Dept 1959]). The "fraud" must therefore "allege fraud extraneous and collateral to the contract" ( International Plaza Assoc. L. P. v Lacher,  63 A. D.3d 527. 527 [1st Dept 2009]).

Heth argues that Van Riet's statements leading up to the signing of the March Agreement that agreement would be a "poison pill" constituted a promise that Van Riet would cancel the March Agreement if he received a suitable appointment at RSM. This argument must be rejected. The March Agreement is a fully integrated agreement negotiated at arms-length by sophisticated parties represented by counsel. The March Agreement specifically contemplates the circumstances under which it terminates. The plain language of the agreement states that the provisions relating to compensation will "survive any such termination." Heth's argument that Van Riet agreed to terminate the compensation provisions is external to the integrated contract and belied by its express terms. Summary judgment on the Second Cause of Action must be denied.

Heth's Third Cause of Action asserts that Van Riet promised that the December Agreement would novate the March Agreement. When the December Agreement did not novate the March Agreement, Van Riet allegedly breached this "promise." This argument must also be rejected. Van Riet's email expressing an intention to release Heth from his obligations under the March Agreement occurred in the course of sophisticated parties negotiating an agreement with counsel. To find that an offer made in the course of negotiations constitutes a binding promise and that non-inclusion of the offered term in the final agreement constitutes a breach of that promise or a fraudulent inducement to enter into the final contract is inconsistent with the fundamental principles of contract. RSM and Van Riet did not include a release provision in the December Agreement. If Heth, who signed the agreement on RSM's behalf, felt a release was an indispensable element of the Agreement, he could have included it in the contract. The non-inclusion of such language indicates only that ultimately Van Riet did not agree to release the March Agreement. Van Riet may not be held liable for terms that Heth desired, but ultimately were not included in the December Agreement.

C. Whether the March Agreement Was Novated

"[T]he requisite elements of a novation, each of which must be present include a previous valid obligation, agreement of all parties to the new obligation, extinguishment of the old contract, and a valid new contract" ( Wasserstrom v Interstate Litho Corp.,  114 A. D.2d 952. 954 [2nd Dept 1985] [citations omitted]). Any agreement purporting to novate a prior obligation must show a "clear and definite intention" to do so ( Beck v Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co.,  125 Misc.2d 771. 779 [Sup Ct NY County 1984]). "Not only must the intention to effect a novation be clearly shown, but a novation [must] never. be presumed" ( id. [internal citations omitted]). If a contract is ambiguous, parol evidence may be used to establish the intent of the parties ( see, Raleigh Associates v Henry,  302 N. Y. 467 [1951]; Tullet & Tokyo Forex, Inc. v Sandomeno,  258 A. D.2d 427 [1st Dept 1999]; see also Greenfield v Phillies Records, Inc.,  98 N. Y.2d 562. 569 [2002]).

As discussed supra, there was no fraudulent inducement of the March Agreement or December Agreement and those contracts are valid. The December Agreement makes no mention of the March Agreement. The December Agreement was among RSM, UFG and Van Riet. The March Agreement was between Heth and VRCL. The December Agreement is not ambiguous.

Mallad Contruction Corp. v County Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n (32 N. Y.2d 285 ), cited by plaintiff, does not hold otherwise. That case involved a contract that was ambiguous and allowed the introduction of parol evidence. The December Agreement has no ambiguity. Therefore parol evidence may not be used to establish a novation. Even if parol evidence were admissible, the submitted evidence would not establish an intent by Van Riet to novate the March Agreement. On the contrary, the evidence shows that Van Riet consistently and systematically avoided Heth's repeated efforts to be released from his obligations under the March Agreement.

Although novation was discussed, by the time the December Agreement was executed, Van Riet had successfully deferred agreement to release Heth from the March Agreement. Throughout 2010, Heth continued to seek to obtain the release. These efforts show that Heth considered himself still bound by the March Agreement and that he understood the importance of terminating it. This is illustrated by Heth's own email on March 10, 2010, where he admitted that he read the March Agreement as holding him liable. Van Riet consistently refused to sign any document purporting to release Heth from his obligations. The Third Cause of Action alleging fraud in the inducement as to Heth's relinquishment of 2% of the equity in RSM in return for release of the March Agreement must be dismissed.

D. Breach of the March Agreement/Unjust Enrichment

Each party argues that the other is in breach of the March Agreement. VCRL claims that it was not paid in accordance with the compensation provisions of the March Agreement. Heth claims that because of the compensation Van Riet received pursuant to the December Agreement, Van Riet was actually overpaid and therefore owes Heth for the amounts Van Riet received in excess of the compensation due under the March Agreement.

VRCL was entitled to be compensated under the March Agreement. However, the parties did not negotiate the value of the B-Shares they received, as required by the March Agreement. The market valuation of the B-Shares as of the closing of the RSM Acquisition is not in dispute. They had no liquidation value. Van Riet's expert argues that the B-Shares were worth "up to $60 million." However, this valuation reflects the option value of the shares, which is not applicable here.

Under the terms of the March Agreement, VCRL was entitled to be compensated the greater of $2,000,000 or 28.57% of the aggregate Sponsor Interest paid to Heth and VCRL. The potential of 50% does not apply because portions greater than 28.57% apply only if VCRL does more than assist in implementing the Program, which this court has already found did not occur. Because, according to Heth's theory, the B-Shares had zero value, the parties did not receive sufficient Sponsor Interest in conjunction with the RSM Acquisition to meet the $2,000,000 threshold, VCRL is entitled to the $2,000,000 minimum less any transaction fees already received in connection with the RCM Acquisition. Conversely, Heth's Fourth and Fifth Causes of Action, seeking to recover based on a theory that Van Riet was overpaid must be rejected.

The amount that Heth received when ProfMedia acquired RSM is irrelevant to this calculation. The RSM Acquisition on December 30, 2009 was a "Transaction" under the March Agreement. The RSM Acquisition terminated the March Agreement and began the running of the tail provision. Accordingly, the tail provision expired December 29, 2010. The Share Purchase Agreement which was signed on February 18, 2011, was an "agreement that resulted in a Transaction" but is was outside the 12-month tail period. The deal closed on June 2, 2011. Earlier Term Sheets were preliminary, non-binding, agreements to enter a to be negotiated Share Purchase Agreement. The Share Purchase Agreement in turn led to the closing of the "Transaction" which occurred on June 2.

Further, the money Heth (and Van Riet) ultimately received for their B-Shares in the ProfMedia did not constitute "Sponsor Interest" as defined in the March Agreement. The B-Shares should have been valued prior to the closing of the RSM Acquisition. Profits made by Heth (or Van Riet) on their B-Shares in the subsequent sale to ProfMedia was not Sponsor Interest. They are proceeds from the sale of the Sponsor Interest that should have been settled prior to the RSM Acquisition. The value of those B-Shares at the time they should have been priced in December 2009 was zero. Their value over a year later has no bearing on their value at the relevant time for purposes of the March Agreement. The tail provision contemplated Heth sharing additional Sponsor Interest he earned after the termination of the agreement, not profits made on Sponsor Interest earned on an earlier Transaction.

The Fourth Cause of Action for unjust enrichment must be dismissed because there exists a valid and enforceable written contract governing the subject matter. Recovery on the quasi-contract theory of unjust enrichment for events arising out of the subject matter of the contract is ordinarily precluded ( see IDT Corp. v Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co.,  12 N. Y.3d 132. 142 [2009]).

Accordingly, it is hereby

ORDERED that Heth's motion for summary judgment seeking a declaration that any obligation under the March Agreement has been satisfied (First Cause of Action) and dismissing the VAN RIET CAPITAL LIMITED counterclaim for breach of the March Agreement (motion sequence number 012) is DENIED; and it is further

ORDERED that VAN RIET CAPITAL LIMITED's motion for summary judgment as to the First Counterclaim for breach of the March Agreement (motion sequence number 013) is GRANTED to the extent that VAN RIET CAPITAL LIMITED shall recover $2,000,000 less any transaction fees ($350,000) already received in connection with the December 2009 transaction; and it is further

ORDERED that Van Riet and VAN RIET CAPITAL LIMITED's motion for summary judgment dismissing the Second Amended Complaint is GRANTED in its entirety except the Fourth Cause of Action as to which the motion is DENIED; and it is further

ORDERED that defendant-counterclaim plaintiff VAN RIET CAPITAL LIMITED shall settle judgment within fourteen (14) days of service of this Decision and Order with notice of entry.

This constitutes the decision and order of the court.


1. The value was set to 28.57% in the case of a "Transaction." The potential for up to 50% applies only in the case of the "Program."

Youtube Poop: The Stupid Missions 5

Light Chanel: i saw the chocolate in dragonballп»ї

Natalie Covey: Francis gets on base because he thinks it's a marshmallow? BTW, LOVED this one! п»ї

Mintz Kat: whey, what episode is 5:07?

Fglla2211: OMG AT 3:31 Zak Mondays hair changes colors to look like Zaks hair.

Fglla2211: apparently Tsul Kalu likes chocolate

Lucy Lee: Chocolate. re

MeLyKaT10: Where can you find the last two episodes? I have been searching for a long time and can't find the last two episodes. unesdoc. unesco. org unesdoc. unesco. org

Kelsey C: 3:31 He has colour-changing hair

Anamar221: 6:30- 7:01 = epic win

CinnamonBunConLeche: I didn't realize that Doyle never showed up to Zak's birthday. O

yourmom67: what was 0:39 from?

victoria larios: hi you are going to DIE

champerse: 4:40 animaniacs

zoom0391: epic win end i in the rong areport XD

7Write4This9Heart7: Holy CRAP, these were perfect! The Spongebob ones, especially, and that second one had me cracking up! XD

LuppySenpai L. D.M.: I know that weird isnt it so who was really there in the real episode?

lmfaogirl366: "hi, ur going to die" LOLD THERE XD

lmfaogirl366: lol. adecuado

lmfaogirl366: stupid glitches.

corruptedCaT: mtk me and my mother love this

Youtube Poop: The Stupid Missions 5 5 out of 5

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Russia's Surgut 2006 dividend seen edging down

Fri, Mar 16 13:32 PM GMT

MOSCOW, March 16 (Reuters) - Russia's fourth largest oil firm SurgutNefteGas (SNGS. MM ) is likely to slightly cut its dividends for 2006, analysts said on Friday, citing recent weak profit reports by the company.

The firm is due to approve the payment, which will be based on net income to Russian accounting standards, at its annual shareholders meeting on May 5. The record date is March 17.

"We expect Surgut, at best to retain its current dividends at level equal to the dividends paid for 2005, suggesting a three percent dividend yield," Uralsib said in a research note.

For 2005, Surgut paid a dividend of 1.05 roubles ($0.04) for preferred shares and 0.8 roubles per ordinary share, a rise of 75 and 100 percent respectively from the previous year.

Surgut's 2005 dividend hike was the second in a row, following a change in the law which forced it to pay out at least 10 percent of profits to preferred shareholders.

Analysts said that lower dividends for 2006 would be the result of smaller net income the firm is likely to post.

"We expect Surgut's RAS 2006 net income to be approximately 100 billion roubles ($3.84 billion) or 14 percent below its 2005 figure on the back of a significant forex loss," Renaissanse Capital said in a research note.

The decline would translate into a dividend of 0.92 rouble ($0.035) per preferred share and 0.64 rouble ($0.024) per common, it said.

Surgut reported net income of $2.8 billion for the first nine months of 2006, which represented a 15 percent decline against the same period of the previous year.

Following is the table of analysts' expectations of Surgut's dividends for 2006 (in dollars per share):

Credit Suisse $0.031 $0.031

Uralsib $0.040 $0.031

Deutsche UFG $0.035 $0.029

Ren Cap $0.035 $0.025

Troika $0.031 $0.029

Average $0.034 $0.029


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How to take control in Forex Trading

By admin | December 10, 2015

Learning First: Science is light in everything, education is the basis of forex trading, education is enhanced knowledge and increase the rolling force through his actions and his choices in the conduct of transactions and the use of various commands the right time commensurate with the market movements, in addition to strengthening the confidence of having the knowledge and the ability to trade in fickle market, which has been serving the complete rolling in the right way in achieving its objectives.

Start by learning the basic principles of trading and the method of trading and how they are buying and selling, orders, and do not forget the importance of basic analyzes that deals with the movement of the market based on the important economic indicators and data and technical analysis, which is interested in the behavior of the price movements in the market.

Start your plan deliberative and work to develop: After learning and possess adequate knowledge you need to deliberative deliberate plan successful about you you without someone else, contact your aspirations and reflect your style deliberative and develop your your approach, if you follow the plan well thought out process with the availability of the required flexibility in the event of market fluctuations third potential is professional style, but make sure your plan first and then the Start implementation.

Make sure that any successful strategy for someone else is not necessarily to be successful for you every trader has his own style, which is characterized by all other but try to focus on the basics of success and not on his way when considering the professional methods.

Control your emotions.

The control emotions when trading is something that is required is not a must, psychological comfort and confidence reflected on the behavior of the trading process trade is successful must be based on reasonable grounds is not controlled by emotions, and followed his emotions may see the market image phantom, not image proper and required probably will take him to make irrational decisions might regret it later.

It is undeniable how difficult it is to control emotions during trading, but of course we can consider from which to reach the gains. Train your ability to curb your feelings and be patient as much as possible and be more logical and do not lose what we have reached and tired and I learned it in order to achieve your dreams.

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RenCap appoints John Hyman, Igor Vayn as co-CEOs

Posted on December 6, 2012

Renaissance Capital has divided the job of chief executive officer between two bankers by promoting John Hyman, who joined the Russian investment bank last year, and hiring Igor Vayn from Otkritie.

Hyman was also appointed as chairman of the Moscow-based company, according to a statement from the firm.

Hyman was interim chief executive after Stephen Jennings stepped down three weeks ago following RenCap’s decision to sell out to billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov’s Onexim Group. The buyout transaction “is subject to regulatory consents in the jurisdictions where these companies operate”, RenCap said.

Hyman, a 20-year veteran of emerging markets investment banking, has been in charge of RenCap’s global investment banking business and was appointed deputy chief executive in June 2012.

Vayn gave up the post of chief executive of Moscow’s Otkritie Capital, which he had held since 2011, to return to RenCap, where he was head of equity operations in 2007-2010.

He was Deutsche Bank’s head of sales for Russia in 2006-2007 and vice-president of United Financial Group (UFG) from 1997 to 2006.

Noble seeks major funding breakthrough without asset sales

By Dmitry Zhdannikov and Sarah McFarlane

LONDON, March 13 (Reuters) - Trading house Noble Group is under no pressure from banks to sell assets and is not planning further divestments as it negotiates more than $4 billion of new and refinanced loans with lenders, a senior source close to the process said.

The renewal of Noble's loans is seen by analysts as the most significant development this year for the trader of commodities ranging from iron ore to oil, after suffering a slide in investor confidence over the past year.

Ratings agencies downgraded Noble to "junk" status last year after an analyst accused it of accounting irregularities and commodity prices slumped.

In January, Noble reported its first annual loss in nearly 20 years and ratings agency Standard & Poor's said that could complicate refinancing.

This week, Noble surprised the market with bigger refinancing plans than expected. Sources said it was seeking $2.5-$3.25 billion via an oil inventory-backed loan to replace an existing $1.1 billion facility.

It is also seeking up to $2.2 billion through a revolving credit facility to replace an existing $1.2 billion loan.

Several industry and banking sources have suggested Noble may try to provide banks with comfort by promising more assets sales, such as its highly profitable Noble Americas Energy Solutions business.

But a senior source close to Noble's bank refinancing talks said there was no requirement to dispose of any assets as part of the discussions, after Noble sold the remaining 49 percent of Noble Agri to Cofco for $750 million.

"Noble Americas Energy Solutions is a well-acknowledged profit centre for Noble and naturally the market may suspect it is an asset that could be monetised. But Noble is currently not engaged in any sale process at this time," the source said.

An external spokesman for Noble also said the company was not looking to sell Noble Americas Energy Solutions.

Noble is also working on assessing several alternative strategic plans to strengthen its balance sheet further.

The options could include equity issuance such as in the case of rival Glencore, or options such as various forms of partnership with private equity firms.

On the financing side, Noble intends to move over time to fund its business increasingly through secured rather than unsecured borrowing.

"Noble is moving towards financing arrangements which are more in line with what competitors do," the senior source said.

The oil inventory-backed loan discussions are being led by Mitsubishi UFG financial group and Noble plans to make more oil available as collateral under the new facility.

"Noble doesn't plan to reduce its inventories," the source said. "The banks see Noble's financial situation better than anyone else. Noble provided them with as much information as they required." (Editing by David Clarke)

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The Economic Trifecta: Inflation, Devaluation, High Interest

We are leaving the period where nothing would surprise to a period of defined economic issues:

too much growing government debt and spending, and

too little private sector wealth to finance government debt.

This will play out either with inflation, devaluation of the dollar, high interest rates which tear the heart out of the meager recovery forecast – or all the foregoing.

The dollar's slide has began.

Interest rates are now climbing.

We only need to await the arrival of inflation for the deadly Trifecta to be in place.

Would you be willing to bet that the combination of inflation, high interest rates, and a declining dollar will be good for American business? The weapons the Federal Reserve will use against the Trifecta will kill the green shoots.

Currency devaluation, by itself, would be good for American business making it more competitive overseas. But combined with inflation and high interest rates will just add to a toxic soup of anemic domestic consumption as Americans will pay more for most things.

I remember the line from the Three Stooges “ Well, this is another fine mess the government and the Fed has gotten us into.” Actually, I took some liberties with the quote but I can hear Larry, Curly and Moe saying this today.

Additio nal Economic Events from this Past Week

The BEA's revised its 1Q 2009 GDP from the advanced number of -6.1% to a less bad decline of -5.7% (the preliminary number). The main reasons for the revision

a larger decrease in imports (which will increase in 2Q because of rising oil prices)

a less bad consumers purchase of durable goods

a smaller decrease in personal consumption of nondurable goods

a larger decrease in private inventory investment and in nonresidential structures

a downturn in federal government spending (wait as stimulus kicks in)

Although being less bad is good, my take on reviewing the detailed data is the massive reduction of private investment. In 1Q 2009, we spent at 1997 levels. This foretells that we are not investing in the new which is continuing to result in a lack of competitiveness with the emerging economies. Although 2Q 2009 should be less bad than 1Q 2009, I still believe we should see GDP declines between 2% to 3%.

In the same BEA data release. 1Q 2009 corporate profits were released. Again, when compared to 4Q 2009, 1Q 2009 is less bad. But consider that corporate profits are at 2004 levels.

Midwest manufacturing declined 1.1% in April 2009 following a 2.9% decline in March. After reviewing the data, I was unable to draw any conclusions concerning bottoming. The data is less bad, but this index cannot be considered a green shoot unless less bad is a green shoot.

The April 2009 economic coincident indicator for the New York / New Jersey area continued to decline. It is interesting that the rates of decline are essentially unchanged from the previous month demonstrating the bottoming process has not begun in this region.

Like a broken record, I particularly hate confidence surveys – particularly surveys which incorporate feelings about future economic conditions.

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index™, which had improved considerably in April, posted another large gain in May. The Index now stands at 54.9 (1985=100), up from 40.8 in April.

The portion of the index which indicates the current situation increased to 28.9 from 25.5 last month. Those claiming business conditions are "good" increased to 8.7% from 7.9% while those claiming conditions are "bad" increased to 45.3% from 44.9%. Those claiming jobs are "hard to get" decreased to 44.7% from 46.6% in April. Those saying jobs are "plentiful" edged up to 5.7% from 4.9%.

The Expectations Index rose to 72.3 from 51.0 in April. Those expecting business conditions will improve over the next six months increased to 23.1% from 15.7%, while those anticipating conditions will worsen declined to 17.8% from 24.4% in April. The percentage of consumers expecting more jobs in the months ahead increased to 20.0% from 14.2%, while those anticipating fewer jobs decreased to 25.2% from 32.5%. The proportion of consumers anticipating an increase in their incomes edged up to 10.2% from 8.3%.

The Consumer Confidence Index is now at its highest level in eight months (Sept. 2008).

I submit that what this survey has revealed is that consumers are not seeing the violent economic degradation anymore. Current conditions are not improving yet but because the current situation is not seemingly getting much worse – people have a better outlook of the current situation. After all, this survey is subjective.

Despite Spring improvement in the Case-Shiller March 2009 data, it appears 2009 may be worse than 2008. Home prices are still falling and this is the prime season for home sales.

New Home Sales increased 0.3% in April 2009 following a downward revision to February and March data, which still leaves April’s level of sales well above the record low annual rate of 0.329 million units hit in January. Year-over-year new home sales were down -34.0%. The supply of new homes fell to 10.1 months worth and compares to 10.6 in the prior month and 10.4 months in April 2008. In the opinion of the analysts at the Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi UFG:

New home sales, along with a handful of other housing activity indicators still point to a January bottom, though a clear turnaround is very difficult to see. New homes are fighting a losing battle against existing homes where prices have dropped so low due to sales of distressed homes. This is likely the reason behind the decline in new home sales in the West in April where sales of foreclosed homes are running at extremely high levels. Typically sales of existing homes lag sales of new homes, but for the foreseeable future this relationship will remain reversed.

Advance April 2009 data for durable goods showed n ew orders for manufactured durable goods increased 1.9%. This was the second increase in the last three months and followed a 2.1% March decrease. Over half the increase was due to transportation equipment. But the data does not make sense.

Unfilled orders are down 1.2% (down seven consecutive months, and follows a 1.7% March decrease).

Inventories of manufactured durable goods decreased 0.8% (down four consecutive months, and follows a 1.7% March decrease).

Shipments were down slightly ( down nine consecutive months, and the longest streak of consecutive monthly decreases).

Something is wrong with the data gathering. New orders cannot be up if inventories are down, shipments are down, and unfilled orders are down.

Keeping in line with the “less bad” data, the Chicago Fed's May 2009 index which summarizes 85 indicators of national economic indicators – improved but all categories are still negative. This index is now at October 2008 levels. The primary reason this index improved was due to production “only” declining 0.5%.

The National Association of Realtors March 2009 data on existing home sales shows an increase or decrease (depending if you look at median or mean prices) in home prices but a decrease in sales volume. For me the volume of sales is the issue as it remains near the recessionary low levels. The volume must dramatically improve before this crisis is over. There was no statistical evidence we are approaching the end of this crisis but there is evidence the price free fall is abating for now. Without volume, there is a real threat the housing prices will take another leg down.

The four week moving average of mortgage loan application volume decreased 4.7% and increased 29% compared with the same week one year earlier mostly caused by a decline in refinanced mortgages. The refinance share of mortgage activity decreased slightly to 70% of applications.

This is not good news as the trend line on mortgages is down – and that means the volumes of homes being sold is not rising. The average interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages decreased slightly to 4.81%.

However, as I write this the 30 year fixed rate mortgage quoted yesterday by Wells Fargo (NYSE:WFC ) is now over 5% as long term Treasuries are soaring.

Initial unemployment claims are essentially holding steady for the week ending 23 May with the four week weekly moving average of 626,750 claims. There is no indication that this recession yet is coming to an end.

Economic Forecasts Published this Past Week

The WLI from ECRI is continuing to show improvement in economic conditions six months from now. In their statement last Friday, they said

With WLI growth climbing by 20 percent in 26 weeks, the economic growth outlook is getting steadily brighter.

I am fairly confident that we will have bottomed out economically by the end of the third quarter. Because of the silly way recessions are defined, this will be when the recession ends and recovery begins. But the average American will probably still be shedding wealth, and unemployment will still be rampant.

And the biggest problem is in front of us as our government and Federal Reserve borrowed from our future so this recession would not be severe. Now they are talking about instituting a general sales tax (VAT) which will take more private money from consumption to cover this building debt.

Inflexion buys UK-based forex specialists Global Reach Partners

Inflexion Private Equity has announced that it has completed the management buyout of Global Reach Partners Ltd, a leading UK foreign exchange specialist providing payments and hedging services to businesses and private individuals.

Global Reach Partners helps clients manage their foreign exchange exposure through a range of hedging strategies, which are tied to fundamental business needs. The hedging strategies are delivered through many products including spot payments, forward contracts and options in over 150 currencies.

Global Reach Partners transacts £3bn of foreign currency each year, through its team of over 85 expert traders and support staff based in London.

Inflexion will be backing the existing management team to continue to grow market share and execute a buy-and-build consolidation strategy in the UK FX sector.

John Hartz, Managing Partner at Inflexion, commented: “We are delighted to have completed the management buyout of Global Reach Partners, securing an off-market deal through focused sector origination. The two founders and the rest of the management team have created an excellent business, enjoying strong growth and we look forward to supporting their consolidation strategy.”

Mark Smith-Halvorsen, co-founder of Global Reach Partners, said: “It has been a great fifteen years and we are delighted to be embarking upon this new chapter in the history of Global Reach Partners. We will build on the existing strengths of the business and will invest in people, technology, products and services to improve the value we offer to existing and new clients to achieve strong growth. "

The Inflexion deal team was John Harper, Ed Fraser and George Collier. Inflexion was advised by Eversheds (Legal) and Deloitte (Financial Due Diligence). Global Reach Partners was advised by Kingsley Napley (Legal) and Livingstone Partners (Corporate Finance). The buyout of Global Reach Partners is Inflexion’s first investment of 2016.

Source: Inflexion Press Release

First Gen head says power sector can weather crisis

First Gen Corp. president Federico Lopez has expressed optimism that the power sector can withstand the global financial crisis.

“I know that the difficult circumstances, global and even domestic, that surrounded the transaction, prompted many doubters to say that this was a deal that wouldn’t get done. That’s why to us, it was a time that required action to speak louder than words. It was time to just hunker down, focus and execute what many were saying was impossible,” Lopez said during the signing ceremony of a $544-million senior secured term loan the company got from eight big and well-known financial institutions.

Lopez believes that its eight lender banks have showed their strong support to Philippine energy companies, First Gas Power Corp. and First Gen.

These eight international banks are Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi, Calyon, KfW-IPEX Bank, ING, Unicredit, Maybank, Societe Generale and Standard Chartered Bank.

Speaking for the eight banks, Colin Chen, senior vice president, head of Project Finance, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFG said “The extent of the market turmoil is such that many believe banks have stopped lending, but the fact that we are here today says that’s not true…The market is still there. Closing projects with good sponsors and a convincing economic rationale will always attract this kind of support from the banks.”

Chen said this is not the first time that First Gas achieved a significant financial deal amidst an adverse financial environment.

Business ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

The first was the closing of the original $670-million debt financing for the 1,000-MW Sta. Rita natural gas-fired plant in 1997 right on the brink of the Asian crisis. This was the time the Thai baht was just beginning its freefall.

Lopez said despite the success of the Gas Plants and as the power industry heads towards a competitive environment, First Gen intends to have a solid diverse platform capable of delivering combinations of great value offerings to consumers.

Along with this, First Gen will build a platform that will align its strategic goals with what the country needs – indigenous and clean energy.

Lopez, on the other hand, noted that “the refinancing of Sta Rita is a crucial building block of that future and will enable the company to build a platform of assets that is collectively more powerful than its individual parts.”

First Gas is a wholly-owned subsidiary of First Gas Holdings Corp. which is in turn is 60 percent owned by publicly-listed First Gen Corp. (First Gen), with the remaining 40 percent owned by BG Consolidated Holdings ( Philippines ), Inc.

The term loan consists of two tranches: an uncovered facility with a 10-year tenor, and a political risk - covered facility with a 12.5-year tenor.

Out of the proceeds of the refinancing, First Gen will receive the amount of $215 million, which will be used to pay a significant portion of First Gen’s maturing debts.

First Gas owns and operate the 1000MW Santa Rita and 500MW San Lorenzo natural gas-fired power plants, respectively. Both plants are located at Batangas City.

First Gen is the largest power generation company in the Philippines with an installed capacity of 2,582MW.

Japanese banks start to worry BBH

Posted on Tuesday, 22 September, 2015 Banking. Comparte.

You might think financial markets had enough to worry about at the moment without adding another potential niggle to the list, but Brown Brothers Harriman thinks Japanese banks may soon be added to the in-tray.

Its analysts point out that the latest numbers from the Bank for International Settlements showed that Japanese lenders squeezed ahead of UK-based rivals to become the leading suppliers of cross-border lending in the first quarter of 2015.

According to the BIS they had total foreign claims of $3.52 trillion, $10 billion more than British banks, concentrated in infrastructure projects in Asia.

Now, in some respects this isn’t all that surprising. Given the incredibly poor interest rates on offer in their home market, Japanese banks are all-but forced to look elsewhere. However, write BBH’s analysts, “the challenge is that weaker economies, currency mismatches and other considerations are souring loans, especially to emerging Asia.”

They further note that overdue loans from Asia excluding Japan had risen 77% in the first quarter at Japan’s largest lender, Misubishi UFG, and 24% at Mizuho, while Moody’s has made 63 downgrades in the region this year, excluding Japan, and only 13 upgrades.

Japanese stocks are having a tough time in general. Through September 11 they’ve been sold consistently by foreign buyers since mid-June, BBH writes. Banking sector weakness may be an added deterrent in the months ahead.

Article by David Cottle View Profile


United Fire Group, Inc. Declares a Common Stock Quarterly Cash Dividend of $0.22 Per Share

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, Feb. 19, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the Board of Directors of United Fire Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:UFCS ) (the "Company" or "UFG") declared a common stock quarterly cash dividend of $0.22 per share. This dividend will be payable March 15, 2016, for shareholders of record as of March 1, 2016. United Fire Group, Inc. has consistently paid a quarterly cash dividend since 1968.

About United Fire Group, Inc.:

United Fire Group, Inc. is the parent organization of United Fire & Casualty Company. United Fire & Casualty Company through its insurance company subsidiaries, is engaged in the business of writing property and casualty insurance and life insurance as well as selling annuities.

Through our subsidiaries, we are licensed as a property and casualty insurer in 46 states, plus the District of Columbia, and we are represented by approximately 1,200 independent insurance agencies. The United Fire pooled group is rated "A" (Excellent) by A. M. Best Company.

Our subsidiary, United Life Insurance Company, is licensed in 37 states, represented by approximately 1,200 independent life insurance agencies and rated "A-" (Excellent) by A. M. Best Company.

For more information about United Fire Group, Inc. visit www. unitedfiregroup. com . 

Source: GlobeNewswire (February 19, 2016 - 12:00 PM EST)

All about "kidnasty" at the moment!

Hows abouts lighting a few sticks of dynamite back into your Monday night? Tomorrow I get to do a "Dub Monday reminisce" by way of a dub&bass extravaganja deejay set with selector @underslung - we're doing a B2B, dub fi dub ting at the 6 yr strong @organizedgrimesd weekly party inside the Air Conditioned Bar. Expect 10" dubplate exclusives from JC and timeless vinyl #kidnasty filth from moi. We light the fuse 'round 10:30ish #organizedgrime #forward #wheelandcomeagain #dubsteppa #dubwise #dubplates #bass #drumandbass #amenbreaks #rudeboistyle

Looking forward to this. Glad you could make it to the New Years party. Last time you guys played you smashed it. Nos vemos esta noche

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10:01 PM [debtarheelgirl] FROM THE BIG CALL just now: Boots on the ground said the Kurdistan region just announced the RV [BWM] GUYS DON'T TRY TO PIN THIS TO A TIME. THE CBI HAS ALWAYS UPDATED WHENEVER "EARL" FELT LIKE PUSHING THE BUTTON. DON'T SIT WAITING UP FOR A SPECIFIC TIME. YOU WILL KNOW WITHIN SECONDS UPON THIS HAPPENING. [..SweetQueen] I have not heard rate for the VND, as my source is directly fom the sandbox and the information provided came from Baghdad. [gridkeeper] Jonny, Sweet Queen and Okie have all confirmed it. That is three different sources. 8:02 PM [LadyLeeLee] UFG: ATTENTION I am on the phone right now with Hammerman and he is excited and eating King Crab, he has confirmed with Cheney connection and Blaino's conntact and is hearing it from 2 civilians in Iraq. He is going to a concert but as he gets info he will get it to us. He is still grounded and NOT calling it officially ye

4:49 PM [..SweetQueen] I got word earlier today that Iraq had released to the Intenational Press the Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar, rate is 7.45 pegged to the GBP.

SweetQueen] I don't need a link, my source is directly from the sandbox.

SweetQueen] and since everyone is hesitating to call it, I just did. This comes directly from my sources. the men are afraid to call it, so it was up to the Queen

SweetQueen] I'm on the phone with Jonnywg and he has confirmations that it has gone LIVE in Iraq and announced to the Intenational Community. He will have associated press confirmations within the hour, the GBP is currently 1.56 and will be revalued to an even higher rate.

SweetQueen] What I have is what is posted, further confirmations are pouring in. We should see update of CBI come this evening.

[Cyndee49] forerunner4777 Wells Fargo Currency Converter on line about 15 minutes ago.



SweetQueen] DreaminBig I EXPECT TO SEE IT WHEN CBI UPDATES. [10:13:57 AM] Cap1 Verifies RV at Cap1Corner Chat Late Sat. Evening 02/25/2012




CAP1] WELL, FROM WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD, THE NEWS COMES FROM VERY HIGH SOURCES IN THE SANDBOX. [10:25:59 AM] SilverLining: ========================================== http://www. zawya. com/story. cfm/sidANA20120226T104111ZJZW44/ Tells about the budget was passed and other things moving forward ========================================== [10:31:36 AM] SilverLining: DINAR WISHES - 9:56 am est -


[r601a] DinarWishes - Good morning from Australia - Can you tell me if the Team has access to Bank screens today, Sunday please? [DinarWishes] r601a i HAVE A GUY WHO HAS ACCESS TO THE BANK SCREENS AND I AN WAITING TO GET THE CALL.

[DinarWishes] AZ85 EVERYONE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT IF IT WAS ANNOUNCED IN IRAQ THEN IT WILL TAKE SOME TIME TO SHOW HERE. BUT THIS IS WHAT I DO KNOW. I KNOW THE BUDGET WAS PASSED AND WAS PUT IN THE GAZETTE. ========================================= 9:22 AM [bluwolf] Iraq has officially gone international 9:22 AM [bluwolf] just let it flow in 9:23 AM [bluwolf] let it flow 9:24 AM [Gwaithfoed3] bluwolf What do you exect to see 9:25 AM [bluwolf] Gwaithfoed3 my bankers face bluwolf] all I wili say that we are in the position just to get confirmations from our bank sources to the fac of it being officilly on our eastern cuadrant

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Al trabajar con WordPress, 404 Page Not Found los errores a menudo pueden ocurrir cuando un nuevo tema ha sido activado o cuando las reglas de reescritura en el archivo. Htaccess se han alterado.

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Puede que aparezca un cuadro de diálogo preguntándole acerca de la codificación. Simplemente haga clic en Editar para continuar. El editor se abrirá en una nueva ventana.

Edite el archivo según sea necesario.

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WB offers equipment, technical assistance to control gas leak

Promises to help control Pakistan’s yearly losses worth Rs7.5b from leakages and theft

KARACHI: A team of the World Bank is offering equipment and technical support to control the Rs7.5 billion per annum losses from leakages and gas theft in Pakistan. They also say that the World Bank is considering giving $250 million to help in this regard.

This was discussed during a meeting of the World Bank team with officials of Sui Southern Gas Company, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines and Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority overseeing the standard of gas pipes and instruments in the country.

An official of the bank stated that the organisation was keen to assist the Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) with standardisation and quality control in the country.

The meeting was held at PSQCA head office between Irfan Nadeem, Director General PSQCA and Bjorn Hamso of World Bank.

The rate of Unaccounted-For-Gas (UFG) of Sui Northern and Sui Southern have reached 8.1 and 8 per cent respectively against the rate of 5.15 set by Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) which could cause the country losses worth Rs4.6 billion and Rs2.8 billion for the current year 2009-10. The use of worn out pipe for gas distribution in Pakistan is causing a surge in gas leak causing is the main reason for these losses.

World Bank stresses the use of good quality pipelines and asks Pakistan to avoid using sub standard gas instruments at a domestic and commercial level so that gas wastage can be curbed.

The collaboration between the bank and Pakistan will help improve PSQCA experience in promoting gas appliances specially testing facilities related to thermal efficiency. Their meeting will help overcome the trade barriers relating to gas appliances companies and PSQCA National standards body.

The National Standards Body and World Bank have agreed to ink a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA). The PSQCA has further requested that the World Bank provide necessary technical assistance in respect of trainings and laboratory equipment as well. The modalities in this regard with Gas Appliances companies are agreed to be expeditiously worked out to be assessed by PSQCA.

Earlier the World Bank offered Sui Southern Gas Company $115 million to improve its infrastructure and increase its utilization efficiency. This was offered after the Ministry for Petroleum and Natural resources sought the World Bank Energy Mission’s assistance in reducing UFG losses by optimizing supply pressure, rehabilitating pipelines and curbing theft. Under the UFG programme, 3,350 kilometres of pipeline will be replaced.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 24 th. 2010.

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SEOUL, July 16 — South Korea is planning to hold an anti-submarine exercise next month in the Yellow Sea following a joint naval drill with the United States expected to be staged later this month in the East Sea, a military source said Friday.

The planned exercise is a display of military force intended to deter future provocation by North Korea in the wake of the North's deadly sinking of a South Korean warship in March, the source said.

No date has been fixed for the exercise that will take place in the Yellow Sea, where a North Korean torpedo sank the Cheonan warship, killing 46 sailors, but it will possibly be held sometime around the Ulchi Freedom Guardian (UFG), the annual war games with the U. S. set for Aug. 16-26, the source said.

"At first, we are reviewing to hold the exercise after the UFG. But, there is a possibility that it could be held before it," the source said on the condition of anonymity.

A fleet of warships, including a 4,500-ton destroyer, a 1,800-ton submarine, F-15 fighter jets and P-3C maritime surveillance aircrafts, will take part in the drill, according to the source.

On Thursday, a senior official at the Ministry of National Defense told reporters that a South Korean-U. S. naval drill will be held in the East Sea by the end of this month, changing the location from the Yellow Sea in an apparent bow to China's objections to the exercise near its territorial waters.

The joint drill, originally scheduled for last month, was delayed until after the U. N. Security Council took action against North Korea for the sinking. The council last week adopted a statement that condemned the attack without directly naming the North as the culprit.

Details of the joint drill and other military exercises with South Korea will be announced at a meeting next week in Seoul between South Korean Defense Minister Kim Tae-young, Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan, U. S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, officials said.

Shortly after a multinational investigation concluded in May that the North was responsible for the attack, South Korea staged a one-day anti-submarine drill off its west coast, but far south of the disputed Yellow Sea border. (PNA/Yonhap)

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Jeśli sprawca wypadku zbiegł lub nie miał polisy OC. odszkodowanie za szkody osobowe i majątkowe (np. uszkodzony samochód) wypłaca ofiarom Ubezpieczeniowy Fundusz Gwarancyjny (UFG).

Uwaga! Pieniądze za szkody majątkowe można uzyskać tylko pod warunkiem, ze w wypadku doszło do obrażeń ciała, a uszczerbek na zdrowiu trwał dłużej niż 14 dni.

Jeśli właściciel uszkodzonego samochodu miał ubezpieczenia AC, to z niego pokrywane są koszty naprawy, a UFG rekompensuje utracone zniżki.

Uwaga! Obowiązkiem UFG jest zwrócenie nie tylko kosztów leczenia czy rehabilitacji, ale wypłaci także zadośćuczynienie za krzywdy moralne, które związane są z utratą zdrowia lub zadośćuczynienie dla najbliższych członków rodziny zmarłego.

Poszkodowanym należą się też renty. Warto walczyć o te świadczenia, bo zasądzane kwoty są coraz wyższe – w przypadku zadośćuczynienia za śmierć bliskiej osoby wynoszą nawet 100-200 tys. zł.

Uwaga! Roszczenia, które wynikają ze szkód spowodowanych przestępstwem przedawniają się po 20 latach.

Do UFG zgłaszają się osoby, których bliscy zginęli w wypadkach kilka-kilkanaście lat temu. Od początku 2014 r. prawie 60 mln złotych wszystkich świadczeń, które wypłacił Fundusz za szkody osobowe, aż 32 mln zł stanowią odszkodowania za wypadki, które wydarzyły się przed 2007 r.

Infolinia Rzecznika Ubezpieczonych

Warto z niej skorzystać. Dowiesz się od prawników, jakiego rodzaju świadczeń możesz się domagać jako ofiara wypadku lub krewny tragicznie zmarłej osoby.

Infolinia czynna jest od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 8-18, tel (22) 333-73-28.

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Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi to open office in Sri Lanka

Oct 29, 2015 14:34 PM GMT+0530 | 0 Comment(s)

ECONOMYNEXT – The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFG Ltd (BTMU) will open a representative office in Sri Lanka at the end of March 2016, subject to regulatory approval by Japan, its President Nobuyuki Hirano announced.

The bank said in a statement that there are more than 100 Japanese companies have been investing in Sri Lanka and more investments are expected.

The Board of Investment said the presence of the bank, Japans biggest, would greatly facilitate investment by Japanese companies into Sri Lanka.

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi partnered signed an agreement with the BOI last year under which it would promote Japanese investments in Sri Lanka and foster business partnerships between Sri Lankan and Japanese entrepreneurs.

The statement by BTMU described Sri Lanka as a country “enjoying a high economic growth rate of 6-8 percent a year largely driven by rising demand for infrastructure, construction and flourishing tourism.”

The statement said that Sri Lanka is neighbour to India which is also rapidly developing and is located astride the strategic sea lanes which connects Asia with the Middle East and Africa.

BTMU has eight offices in South Asia. It has five in India in Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore, Neemrana and Chennai. It also has offices in Karachi, Pakistan, and Dhala, Bangladesh. (Colombo/October 29 2015)

Stylish Austinites Camp Out For The H&M Grand Opening

Despite the fact that I think several Austinites might not consider the Domain to actually be a part of Austin (“it’s in Round Rock, right?”), H&M finally opened in Austin this weekend. I made several trips to the shopping center up north over the past couple of days and now that I live downtown, the drive really felt like one where I needed to make sure I had a bottle of water and maybe a snack for the car ride. However, for H&M, the trip might be worth it. Where else can you find such inexpensive clothing that’s not only on trend but of decent quality?

Apparently many others thought the opening of H&M was not only worth a trip to the Domain, but was also worth camping out on the sidewalks for (in some cases) overnight. The lure of their recent collaboration with designer Margiela as well as the promise of a gift card ranging from anywhere between $10-$500 were the big perks for the fashionable students and (mostly) teens of Austin. High school student Ondrea Bluestone was the first to arrive at 4pm on Friday, staying in line for just over 20 hours to take her chances at scoring a good gift card. A sleep deprived Kaidon Ho was amongst several UT students and UFG members who also arrived early…

If you’re wondering how the Austin H&M compares to other H&M stores you might have been to, it definitely holds up to expectations. I’ve been to several stores in New York, the city where you can find an H&M on practically every other street corner, and the Austin store is just as big boasting 2 stories of clothing and accessories for women, men, kids, and even has a maternity section. It’s a good addition to the Domain and I think it is especially a good addition to the Austin fashion options for men who can’t afford to shop at high priced boutiques all the time. The store was hopping all weekend long with first an exclusive party on Friday night, followed by the official grand opening on Saturday at noon. The store was packed even still on Sunday afternoon with intrigued shoppers checking out the newest and biggest addition to Austin retail.

Joanna Wilkinson keep austin stylish


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Pakistan Fertilizer usage decreases to 5.3 million tons

Post 5218 of 8979

Fertilizer usage in the country which touched 6.5 million tons mark in 2009 has phenomenally decreased to 5.3 million tons in 2012-13 depicting lower consumption/demand due to unavailability and higher urea prices owing to imposition of GST, GIDC and unprecedented gas curtailment for SNGPL based four Fertilizer plants with an aggregated production capacity of approximately 2.3 million tons.

Urea application on soil contributes to around 25 percent in crop yield and unavailability of urea for Pakistani farmers can result in at least 40 kg less wheat production per acre costing the country Rs 24 billion a year and would also increase the price of flour (Atta) substantially, increasing food insecurity of 190 million population.

Total per acre Fertilizer cost in 2008-09 was Rs 4,450 which increased by 83 percent in 2012-13 to Rs 8,125 per acre for the average farmer hence Pakistani farmers are paying heavily besides increase in prices of all important input items including diesel, water, Fertilizer, seeds and pesticides. Being an agriculture economy, Pakistani Government should seriously address to the genuine problems of the farmers who grow important crops to feed the countrymen as well as prevent the government from expensive imports.

“Tackling power crisis with full might is indeed need of the hour but we must not forget the important agriculture sector of the country which is the backbone of the economy as well as provide all important raw materials for Pakistani export based industries too,” said Shahab Khawaja, Executive Director Fertilizer Manufacturers Pakistan Advisory Council (FMPAC) while briefing the newsmen here on Monday.

New government is very serious in attracting new investment in Pakistan hence it is imperative to protect local industries to give foreign investors a positive signal. Fertilizer sector invested US $2.3 billion in last 5 years with the help of several foreign financial institutions to make country self sufficient in urea production.

Shahab Khawaja said “our current economic condition doesn’t allow us to spend approximately 452 billion rupees on urea import while our country is self-sufficient in urea production and we can even export our additional production for earning foreign exchange for the country.”

He said urea was the most expensive form of energy; the cost of imported urea was significantly higher than other forms of energy including coal, and RFO. Pakistan currently has installed capacity of 6.9 million tons of urea, which is not built over night and has been result of concerted efforts of last 40-50 years of the GOP making self sufficient in this important crop input. Apart from urea the capacity of other fertilisers like DAP, NP and CAN also exist substituting imports saving precious foreign exchange reserves, he added.

Gas curtailment to Fertilizer industry in the past three years has resulted in imports of three million tons with foreign exchange spending of US $1.5 billion and subsidy of Rs 85 billion. He said gas allocation for Fertilizer sector was not just for the seven Fertilizer plants as claimed by some vested interest but it was for the agriculture sector of the country that represented 21.4 percent in the GDP and also ensured food security of 190 million population of that country.

Fertilizer industry sector is the most energy efficient in comparison to others which include power sector (including government operated power generation companies Genco’s, IPPs etc), industries, captive power plants and CNG sector. If government curtails/minimises gas losses in the country, the current gas crisis can be brought under control without reducing supplies to any sector at all. The ‘system inefficiencies’ in SNGPL and SSGC distribution networks are the crux of the problem and have never been addressed properly.

Using gas for producing urea is the most efficient and judicious usage as Fertilizer sector offers maximum value addition by converting the raw gas into precious urea grains and country hugely benefits from this import substitution. Gas should be provided as priority to the sector which creates maximum value addition he added. Fertilizer is the only sector which has zero percent ratio of Unaccounted for Gas (UFG), it never defaults on its payment obligations to gas utilities which are positive for cash flow of SNGPL/SSGC. All other industries have alternative fuel options except Fertilizer sector that uses gas as raw material to produce the key farm input, urea.

He warned that so far we have only seen the anger of people deprived of electricity and should avoid actions that would result in experiencing the wrath of public with empty stomachs. If we permanently shut down our Fertilizer plants as advised by some vested interest groups, not only more than US $10 billion investment in Fertilizer sector will be lost, national exchequer would also be deprived of Rs 28 billions of tax money annually as Fertilizer Industry has paid over Rs 140 billion taxes in last five years.

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DATE 13th-August-2014



DATE 12th-August-2014



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DATE 11th-August-2014


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DATE 10th-August-2014


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DATE 09th-August-2014


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DATE 08th-August-2014


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DATE 07th-August-2014


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DATE 06th-August-2014


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DATE 05th-August-2014


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DATE 04th-August-2014


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DATE 03rd-August-2014


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DATE 02nd-August-2014


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17.1 percent increase in exports from Sialkot witnessed

Punjab CNG outlets: SNGPL to suspend gas supply from today

Sale of biometric verified SIMS begins in country

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DATE 01st-August-2014


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Four years needed to bring back $200 bn from Swiss banks Dar

Swiss banks Dar vows to bring back $200 billion

Biometric verification must for new SIMs from today

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A Serviconnect é uma empresa de consultoria e prestadora de serviços para o mercado das telecomunicações. Iniciou a sua actividade em Janeiro de 2011, tem sede em Portugal e opera globalmente. A àrea principal de operação centra-se nas comunicações “sem-fios”, nomeadamente redes celulares móveis, com foco em projectos de planeamento de rede rádio, desempenho e qualidade de rede, e optimização de rede.

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MERCATI EMERGENTI 20 luglio 2004

La borsa di Mosca in forte ribasso, crolla Yukos

Forte ribasso oggi per la borsa di Mosca . L'indice RTS-Interfax ha perso il 3,15% a 585,10 punti con volumi di scambio tre volte superiori alla media giornaliera. Ancora una volta è stata la vicenda Yukos (US98849W1080) a pesare sul mercato azionario russo. Il Ministero della Giustizia russo ha comunicato oggi di voler vendere Juganskneftegas . la principale unità produttiva di Yukos. I commenti degli analisti sono stati unanimi. Valeri Nesterow di Troika Dialog ha dichiarato che una tale operazione significherebbe che Yukos sarà smantellata. "L'inizio della fine dell'impresa". Dello stesso avviso Stephen O'Sullivan di UFG . "vogliono colpire al cuore Yukos". Secondo gli esperti di OLMA questa sarebbe la cosa peggiore che sarebbe potuta accadere a Yukos e al mercato finanziario russo. Juganskneftegas produce circa il 60% del petrolio di Yukos: più di un milione di barili al giorno. Secondo le stime di UFG la società sarebbe da valutare almeno $11 miliardi. Le autorità avrebbero valutato Juganskneftegas però solo $1,75 miliardi. Tra i possibili acqurirenti ci potrebbero essere l'altro colosso del petrolio Surgutneftegas (US8688612048) . alleata del Cremlino, oppure Gazprom (US3682872078) . impresa controllata dallo stato russo. In seguito alla notizia il titolo di Yukos ha perso il 13,9% a $6,8. LUKoil (US6778621044) ha chiuso in ribasso del 4,1%, Surgutneftegas dell'1,4%. Male anche Gazprom (US3682872078) che a San Pietroburgo ha registrato una limatura del 3,4% a RUB 61,88. I timori legati al futuro di Yukos hanno fatto schizzare il prezzo del petrolio al livello più alto delle ultime sette settimane.

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Politics hammers Ukrainian and Turkish assets

By Claire Milhench

LONDON, Feb 16 (Reuters) - The Turkish lira extended losses on Tuesday, bucking the generally firmer trend across emerging markets as fighting raged across its border with Syria, while Ukraine's dollar bonds fell sharply as worries about the government's future grew.

Broader emerging assets were mainly firmer as a 3 percent rebound in mainland Chinese shares and gains of over 1 percent in Hong Kong led MSCI's benchmark emerging equity index up 0.5 percent to the highest in almost a week.

But political tensions weighed on several markets, with South Korea's won slumping to 5-1/2 year lows against the dollar earlier in the day after the president pledged "strong measures" against North Korea.

The currency was also put under pressure by the central bank, which signalled that policy easing could lie ahead as the economic recovery has faltered.

In emerging Europe, the Turkish lira fell 0.4 percent to a one-week low versus the dollar although stocks rose 0.8 percent after falling sharply on Monday as Ankara accused Moscow of war crimes after a Russian missile killed 50 people just inside the Syrian border.

It warned late on Monday of "bigger and more serious consequences" if Russia did not end the attacks.

Turkish five-year credit default swaps (CDS) rose 3 basis points (bps) from Monday's close to 311 bps, approaching October 2015 highs hit last month, according to Markit. Dollar bond premiums widened 10 basis points over Treasuries though they stayed off 4-1/2-month highs hit on Monday.

"Any ground operation or intensification of air strikes increases the risk of direct confrontations and any such scenario is little priced into markets so far," analysts at Mitsubishi UFG said in a note to clients.

Ukraine's dollar bonds fell sharply across the curve, with the 2027 issue slumping 2.7 cents, as fears mounted that a potential government collapse could derail Kiev's lifeline from the International Monetary Fund.

Ukraine's hryvnia also hit a new one-year low against the dollar.

"It's just a matter of time before the government falls or we have a major reshuffling," said Per Hammarlund, chief EM strategist at SEB. "The anti-corruption measures have been much more controversial than we would have liked, and now with the IMF putting pressure on them. something will have to give."

Oil-related assets took some support from firmer crude prices after four oil producers agreed to freeze output at January levels in an attempt to stabilise the market. However, this fell short of the production cuts some traders had positioned for.

Some Gulf bourses, such as Dubai rose over 2 percent whilst Saudi Arabia was up around one percent.

Russian stocks increased 0.7 percent but the rouble slipped 0.5 percent against the dollar.

In eastern Europe, the Czech crown was slightly weaker against the euro after a surprise drop in fourth quarter economic growth.

"It was much weaker than anticipated and that could mean the central bank introduces negative interest rates," Hammarlund said.

For GRAPHIC on emerging market FX performance 2016, see http://link. reuters. com/jus35t

For GRAPHIC on MSCI emerging index performance 2016, see http://link. reuters. com/weh36s

For GRAPHIC on MSCI emerging Europe performance 2016, see http://link. reuters. com/jun28s

For GRAPHIC on MSCI frontier index performance 2016, see http://link. reuters. com/zyh97s

For CENTRAL EUROPE market report, see

For TURKISH market report, see

For RUSSIAN market report, see ) (Additional reporting by Sujata Rao; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

1,500 Niger Delta Militants To Surrender Arms To FG

By Anu / Monday, 15 Feb 2016 11:30AM

More than 1,500 Niger Delta militants on Sunday expressed their desire to embrace amnesty and surrender arms to the Federal Government.

Their decision followed the intervention of the Minister of State for Petroleum Resources and Group Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Dr. Ibe Kachikwu.

They, however, warned that their willingness to surrender arms should not be seen as an act of cowardice but an act of patriotism.

The militants’ resolution was contained in a statement in Abuja by their leaders, O. C. Babaeere and America Tekeiminikpoba, on behalf of other Commanders from Arepo, Ikorodu, Abule, Fatorla, Ibafo, Magboro, Epe, Itokin, Ilepete, Okenekene, Agric, Gbokoda camps, Camp 5 and environs.

The militants expressed their desire to surrender arms and embrace the amnesty programme so long as the government remained sincere.

While premising their action on the peaceful approach of Kachikwu, the militants declared that all NNPC facilities and their subsidiaries must work for the betterment of Nigeria and the economic efficiency in the face of dwindling oil prices.

“We also agree that all NNPC facilities and its subsidiaries must work for the betterment of Nigeria and the economic efficiency in the face of dwindling oil pricesa,” the statement said. “However, our willingness to surrender should not be seen as an act of cowardice, rather, as an act of patriotism.”

Royal Mail hedge fund tycoon Chris Hohn posts his divorce papers (Telegraph) Now that Chris Hohn ’s hedge fund has become the biggest private shareholder in Royal Mail, with £200million worth of shares, his estranged wife will, at least, know who to speak to if her cheque is lost in the post. Mandrake hears that the financier and his wife, Jamie Cooper-Hohn, have begun divorce proceedings. This column disclosed in June that the philanthropists’ marriage had hit the rocks. “It is very sad, but the marriage is over,” says a friend of the couple.

Sotheby’s and the $14bn hedge fund hawk struggle for control of art market (TheGuardian) The seasonal display of the world’s wealthiest people bidding for art and driving up prices to record levels is being overshadowed by a backroom drama pitting the venerable British auctioneer Sothebys (NYSE:BID ) against one of New York’s most aggressive investment managers. Dan Loeb. 51, art collector and chief executive of Third Point, a hedge fund sponsor with $14bn under management, is campaigning to unseat Sotheby’s long-serving chairman, president and chief executive, William Ruprecht. Loeb, who has a 9.3% stake in the 269-year-old British salesroom, claims it has failed to “grasp the central importance of contemporary and modern art to the company’s growth”.

Hedge fund heavyweight will chair Columbia U. fundraising dinner (NYPost) Hedge fund heavyweight Paul Singer might seem an odd choice of a business titan to chair the annual Columbia University Knight-Bagehot gala fundraising dinner, which will be held Nov. 4 at the New York Marriott Marquis. Three years ago, Singer seemed more interested in thwarting the business press — which the fellowship is aimed at — than aiding it. Singer’s Elliott Management asked a Manhattan state judge in 2010 to force AR magazine — a publication covering hedge funds — to reveal the name of the person who leaked information about Elliott’s fund positions as laid out in a letter to investors.

For Westport hedge fund, Sandy wasn’t the “Big One” (CTPost) For a couple of days last fall, after Superstorm Sandy had flooded much of the Connecticut coast, flattened dozens of homes and left several trees blocking the roads near John Seo’s home in Westport, the hedge fund manager was unable to go to work. That in itself wasn’t a problem. His office for Fermat Capital Management — located just off the Saugatuck River, which had flooded badly — had actually fared the storm quite well. Plus, he and his staff could work remotely from their respective homes. There was another reason why Seo, who’s about as prepared as anyone for natural disasters, had reason to worry.

Ex-UBS Bankers Breach, Hill Set Up Hedge Fund Gemsstock (Bloomberg) Al Breach, former Russia strategist at UBS AG (ADR) (NYSE:UBS ) . is setting up a hedge-fund firm with ex-colleague Charles Hill and UFG Asset Management’s Florian Fenner. Breach is combining with Hill, former head of trading at UBS’s joint venture in Russia, and Fenner, managing partner at Russia’s UFG for the past 11 years, according to filings made this month at U. K.’s Companies House. Mayumi Yamaguchi, who previously worked at Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE:GS ) in sales before being employed at several hedge-fund firms, is also listed as a director, the filings show. The firm, Gemsstock Ltd. was incorporated in September.

Plaudits To Carl Icahn For Reigniting Apple’s Weary Stock (Forbes) Say what you wish about Carl Icahn, but the activist investor has re-energized Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL ) ’s stock that had been weary and droopy before he snapped up shares and urged management to start buying back a sizable portion of its own shares. By simply showing an interest in Apple, Icahn has seen its stock reverse gear. Before he came into the picture, Apple was trading below $400 a share. After buying shares in August, which Icahn has since boosted by 22% to 4.73 million shares, Apple took wing and closed on Oct. 25, 2013, at $525.96. Earlier that week, the stock had traded higher, at $531 a share.

Quote: Original Posted By Fevin89 ► Maap gan. Saran Ane mending ke samsat..Karena mereka ad berkasnya,,alamat dll pun jelas,, lalu gan,,kalo di liat dari Plat ny "UFG" itu kawasan Jakarta utara gan.

cuba dh agan ke samsat yang ad di kalideres cengkareng..cuba dijelaskan secara rinci.

or agan cuba bawa BPKB ke daihatsu pusat ( kalo nga salah dkt sunter-gading)..setidakny mereka hasil produksi yang mau di lempar ke showroom dijakarta dicatat no rangka mesin. lalu mereka kirim ke showroom daihatsu resmi di jakarta..kan bisa keliatan mobil itu kirim ke showroom mana.

lalu agan uda tau mobil itu di lempar showroom mana,,agan samperin itu showroom,,jelasin yang terjadi,,mungkin pihak showroom ksh data pembeli mobil tersebut.

semoga bisa menbantu yah gan.

sebelumnya terimakasih gan penjelasannya, jadi gini, utk alamat asli mobilnya sebenarnya tinggal liat di stnk saya ( pemilik 2 mobil tsb diperkirakan sama ), krn stnk saya jg belakang UFG. plat nomornya juga beda 1 angka doang dan itu berurutan. alamatnya memang ada di daerah gunung sahari, tapi itu alamat pemilik pertama dan atas nama cv. oke ane ceritakan aja kronologisnya siapa tau ada tambahan solusi. gini gan ceritanya ( ane cerita dari awal terjadinya bukan dari akhir cerita ). ini cerita jg berdasarkan showroom penjual mobil. awalnya showroom menerima 2 buah mobil gran max ini dgn nomor plat yang urut dari leasing ( mungkin titipan atau gimana ). akhirnya 2 mobil ini dijual ke pembeli. anggap aja pembeli "x" ambil gran max b 1741 ufg. dan pembeli "y" dapat gran max b 174x ufg. si pembeli "y" meleasing mobilnya ke leasing bca ( keanehan disini kalo leasing mestinya digesek dulu tapi kok bisa lolos ) *catatan: mobil sudah tertukar platnya semenjak di showroom sblm dibeli orang. nah si pembeli "y" cicilan leasingnya dah ampir setaon lalu dilunasi lsg terus dijual ke ane. nah ane dah bayar full trus mau balik nama eh baru ketauan ternyata no rangka dan mesin beda dgn bpkb dan stnk ane. lsg ane kontak si "y" dan sepakat utk mendatangi showroom tsb, pihak showroom mengakui ada kesalahan penyerahan bpkb dan stnk diantara 2 mobil yang mereka jual. nah masalahnya pembeli "x" ini mereka tidak punya data alamat si pembeli ini. entah hilang atau memang tidak dicatat atau mereka jual itu mobil via calo mobil lain. begitu ceritanya, dan si mobil B1741 UFG ini tiap perpanjang stnk pastinya secara "nembak" kira2 gitu gan

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Eddied these misguided fools led by uneducated mullahs are actually working against the elected Government of their country and against the legal laws of the land. all of these morons who are promoting this.

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Eddied these misguided fools led by uneducated mullahs are actually working against the elected Government of their country and against the legal laws of the land. all of these morons who are promoting this.

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